Chapter 36: Kindergarten

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Nobody's POV:


Giyu recently turned five and was starting his first day of kindergarten. After Giyu was done putting his school clothes with Tsutako's help and Mrs Tomioka preparing lunch, they all went in the car and Mr Tomioka drove off.

30 minutes later...

The Tomioka family were in the school and were greeted by many teachers. After awhile of chatting, the school bell rang and Giyu's parents and his sister bid their farewell.

"Good luck Giyu!" Tsutako smiled.

"Thank you Nee-San! Bye Mum, bye Dad!" Giyu waved.

"Bye Giyu!" Giyu's parents waved back.

With that, Giyu's parents and Tsutako left. Giyu's teacher then approached him and helped him get to class. The two made it to class and the teacher told Giyu to take a seat.

"Good morning Class." The teacher smiled.

"Good morning Ms Rena!" The students greeted.

After Ms Rena greeted the class, the principal came in the class with a little girl.

"Oh, hello Principal Muzan." Rena smiled.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Ms Rena, but there is one more student attending in your class." Muzan said.

"Really? Who is it?" Rena asked.

"Come on, don't be shy." Muzan looked at the girl who was next to him not shy one bit despite him saying she was shy.

The girl looked at Rena and greeted her.

"She's adorable." Rena said.

"H-hi, I'm Koyuki..." Koyuki greeted.

"Hello Koyuki." Rena smiled.

Muzan then went in front of the class and Koyuki and Rena followed.

"Students, this girl you see is Koyuki. I want everyone to make sure they treat her with absolute respect. Do I make myself clear." Muzan said a bit menacingly all the students nodded.

"Koyuki, you can sit where you want." Muzan said.

"Okay." Koyuki said and went to one table, but the students on that table moved their chair away from her a bit.

"Ms Rena, I need to talk to you outside regarding Koyuki." Muzan said.

"Uh, okay." Rena replied and the two went outside the class.

Giyu and the rest of the students were looking at the new student and were wondering what was up with her, since they way Muzan talked seemed like he was playing favouritism. Some of them then starting whispering to which Giyu can hear.

"Hey, do you think that girl is related to the Principal? Cause he seems to treat her like a daughter." One student whispered.

"Y-yeah, maybe we should all just avoid her since that would be the best way to not get into any trouble." The other student whispered.

'I seriously doubt talking to her will get us in any trouble, unless she is a bully.' Giyu thought.

As the students were whispering to each other, Rena finally returned to class after talking to Muzan.

"You all ready for your first lesson?" Rena smiled.

"Yes!" The students yelled.

1 hour later...

After Rena's class, it was lunch time and all of her students quickly went outside and started playing around. Giyu not having much interest, decided to just sit on a bench and eat his lunch that his mum made. While Giyu was eating, he saw Koyuki in the distance talking to the other students, but they all backed away. The process was the same, Koyuki goes to one group, they all leave, she goes next, they all leave. This made Koyuki very sad and she went to a corner and sat down with only a fruit to eat. Giyu saw this and felt quite bad, he decided to go and talk to her.

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