Chapter 26: Having Fun 🍋

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Nobody's POV:

After the Shinobu was carried to her room by Giyu, she was placed on the edge of the bed, and Giyu started kissing her very passionately which she returned immediately. The two started tongue wrestle, which is not surprising, since that is one of the thing they absolutely love doing to each other. After thirty seconds, Giyu placed his right knee on Shinobu's pussy and began rubbing it, making her moan.

"MMMM!!!" Shinobu moaned while kissing Giyu, and then bit his lower lip.

Few seconds later, the two finally stopped kissing and looked each other's eyes.

"Giyu. AhhH! I need to tell- AHhh!!" Shinobu moaned since Giyu was still kneeing her pussy.

"Wait! Ahhh!!" Shinobu's begged and Giyu finally stopped.

"What's wrong love?" Giyu asked.

"The bite mark you gave me, it's not noticeable enough. By any chance, did anyone notice the mark I gave you? Anyone?" Shinobu asked, hoping she made it big enough.

"My sister noticed it even though I was trying to hide it from her before." Giyu answered, making Shinobu happy.

"Thank goodness your mark is big, but mine isn't. Can you make it bigger?" Shinobu asked, making Giyu a bit worried.

"You know, making a mark as big as mine is a painful process. I don't want t-" Giyu said but was cut off.

"Giyu. If I can handle you eating my pussy and putting your dick inside me, I can definitely handle a bite." Shinobu said with confidence.

"You sure?" Giyu asked and Shinobu nodded.

"Okay... Here goes nothing." Giyu stuttered and started biting on Shinobu's right neck, since that is where her mark is.


Kanao was walking home with Tanjiro, Nezuko and Aoi. Although Aoi has gotten use with Tanjiro, she still was keeping an eye on him. After Kanao made it home, she bid her farewell to her friends. And went inside the house, only to hear a bunch of noises.

'What the, is the TV on? No, it's Shinobu Née-San and she's screaming like that again in her room with Tomioka-San?' Kanao thought and quietly went upstairs.

Kanao made it upstairs and was in front of Shinobu's room, which was basically nothing but screaming.

'I don't know what's going on and I know doing this isn't polite. But I think I'm gonna eavesdrop and wait until they are done or if Kanae Née-San comes back which is unlikely since she is always busy.' Kanao thought began eavesdropping.

"Ahhh!! Fuck!!" Shinobu moaned and bit her lower lip.

Although the process was very painful for Shinobu, it eventually started to become pleasure for her and she didn't mind it. What was originally a hiss began a moan. A few seconds later, Giyu was done biting and moved to see if Shinobu was alright.

"Shinobu. Are you okay?" Giyu asked with worry.

"Yes. Don't Giyu, I'm perfectly fine. Now, I think it's my turn to have some fun." Shinobu smirked and switched their positions.

Shinobu's lust started to kick in, giving her the strength she needs to move Giyu to the pillows. Giyu was surprised at the sudden change, but he didn't mind. Shinobu sat on top of him, and she started to remove her top, leaving her nothing but her bra, to which Giyu took off for her. After becoming top less, Shinobu started kissing him passionately, but it didn't last long since his tongue is not what she wanted in her mouth. But before Shinobu could start, she wanted to remove his top first.

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