Oneshot Chapter: Kamado Family visit

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Nobody's POV:

Saturday 8:30am

It's been ten years since Giyu's and Shinobu's wedding and many things has happened through out the years. One of them was Tsutako giving birth to a boy named, Mare. The two of them were just on a couch, reading a book.

"Tsutako Nee-San!!!" Nezuko yelled with excitement, which surprised Tsutako quite a bit and scared Mare.

"Nezuko! My! What's got you so excited?" Tsutako asked.

"MY FATHER AND SIBLINGS ARE VISITING KIMETSU CITY!!!" Nezuko screamed even louder, making Tsutako block her ear a little.

"Mmmmm..." Mare became a bit terrified and hugged his mother.

"Oh jeez! Sorry for yelling, Née-San. I just got too excited." Nezuko apologised.

"That's okay, just remember to keep it down with Mare. He is a very shy boy." Tsutako said and began rubbing Mare's head.

"Hehehe" Nezuko giggled.

"Well that's amazing to hear. Haven't seen them in ages. But, what about your mother?" Tsutako asked.

"Oh yeah. Sadly, Mum chose to stay back since... well... you know, Kamado stuff." Nezuko excitement died down and just sighed. Feeling a little disheartened, Tsutako picked Mare up and walked towards Nezuko.

"I'm sorry, Nezuko." Tsutako said and Nezuko soon hugged her bigger sister.

"It's okay. I'm just glad that any of our family are coming to the city." Nezuko pulled away and smiled, making Tsutako smile as well.

"So. *cough* Does Tanjiro know about this?" Tsutako asked.

"Not yet. So far you are the only one who knows." Nezuko answered, surprising her quite a bit. But at the same time, not really.

"Really? Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not that surprised. I mean he lives with Kanao now." Tsutako said.

"Yeah. But don't worry, I'll tell him soon. By the way, Née-San. I was just wondering if there something you can do for me?" Nezuko was asking a favour.

"Sure, anything." Tsutako replied.

"Can you set up a dinner at-" Nezuko was about to say something. But.

"*Yawn* Is everything okay? I heard someone yelling." Masachika finally woke up and came downstairs.

"Masa-San!!!" Nezuko greeted and hugged her brother-in-law.

"Good morning, dear." Tsutako smiled.

Even after ten years, Tsutako still lived the same old house. But this time Masachika, after getting married, finally moved out of his small apartment and moved in with his wife, son and sister-in-law. Although Nezuko is more than old enough to move out and live with Zenitsu, she chose to live with her bigger sister because of Mare and Tanjiro. Well mostly because of Tanjiro and his priorities to protect her innocence, however little did he know, she lost it when she turned twenty-one. Mare on the other hand, he's a very shy boy, albeit he's just three and a half years old, and whenever he sees anyone that isn't his mother or father, he just hides behind either of them. But Nezuko is the only person Mare is comfortable with due her innocent charm, however he doesn't like it when she gets a little too excited.

"Morning, Tsutako. So, what's going on with you, Nezuko?" Masachika asked and before Nezuko could answer.

"Her Father and siblings are visiting the city." Tsutako said, surprising him abit.

"Really? Well that's great to hear." Masachika smiled.

"Mmmhmm!" Nezuko replied and a second later, Nezuko pulled since she needed to the two what she needs.

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