Chapter 23: Encounter

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Nobody's POV:

Tuesday 6:55am

Although Shinobu set the alarm at 7:00am, Giyu opened his eyes five minutes early. When Giyu opened his eyes, he saw something on his chest. It was Shinobu sleeping on his chest. When Giyu saw her, he began to gently play with her hair, he also couldn't help but smile at how adorable Shinobu was.

'So cute.' Giyu thought while playing with Shinobu's hair.

Five minutes later, the alarm went off and Shinobu finally woke up.

"Morning Giyu..." Shinobu groaned and rubbed her eyes.

"Morning My Sweet Butterfly." Giyu smiled.

"So, care to explain." Giyu said.

"Explain what?" Shinobu asked.

"Why were you sleeping on top of me? Unless you move around while asleep." Giyu said.

"Oh that. At midnight, I decided to sleep on top of you since I wanted to ensure you don't leave like before." Shinobu stuttered.

"That's cute, but Shinobu, you don't need to do that, I promised that I won't leave you again." Giyu said and gently kissed her on the lips and Shinobu smiled.

With that, Giyu and Shinobu got off the bed and went to the bathroom to brush their teeth. After brushing their teeth, Shinobu went upstairs to change into her uniform while Giyu was in kitchen trying to grab milk from the fridge. A few minutes later, Kanae and Kanao were awake and changed their clothes and went downstairs to greet the two love birds.

"Good morning you two love birds." Kanae greeted.

"Morning Kanae-San/Née-San." Giyu and Shinobu greeted back.

"Since you don't have anything like work or Uni, what are you gonna do? Just relax here and wait for Shinobu to come back?" Kanae teased.

"Actually, I'm gonna go shopping today since you guys don't any milk left." Giyu replied.

"Really!? Well, you buying milk for us will be fine, and can you also buy some other things, I'll write it down for you before we leave." Kanae said and Giyu nodded.

"Um Tomioka-San." Kanao called out.

"Yes?" Giyu asked.

"When you go shopping, can you perhaps buy some movies, cause the ones my sisters have aren't that good, and I really enjoyed the movies Tanjiro and Nezuko brought last night." Kanao uttered.

"Sure, I'll buy some movies." Giyu replied.

"Honestly, I was surprised at the movies as well, Ghibli really is a work of art." Shinobu said.

"You never watch those movies?" Giyu asked.

"No, cause Née-San thinks it's better for us three to watch horror and romance movies, and they're are not even that good." Shinobu said.

"Come on! They're not that bad." Kanae pouted.

40 minutes later

After breakfast, which was just toast and butter, the three sisters took off and bid their farewells to Giyu and left the house. Shinobu decided to walk with Kanae and Kanao to Kimetsu Academy. Minutes later, they made it to Kimetsu Academy.

"Well, this our stop. We are sure early today." Kanae smiled.

"I guess. I gotta get going. Bye Shinobu Née-San, bye Kanae Née-San." Kanao waved and went into the school.

"She seems a little excited, I guess it has something to do with Tanjiro." Shinobu smiled and Kanae agreed with a hum.

"Anyways, I gotta go. Cya Née-San." Shinobu said and took off.

"Cya Shinobu!" Kanae yelled.

Several minutes later, Shinobu finally made it to Uni, she went inside the building and went upstairs to head to her class. As soon as she made it, she saw a large man who was her teacher and she was immediately greeted by him.

"Good morning young Kocho." Her teacher greeted.

"Good morning Himejima-Sensei." Shinobu smiled which surprised Gyomei, and she entered his classroom.

'Did Kocho actually smile? Well that's bit of a surprise, she either have a smile that is obviously fake or she just doesn't smile at all during class.' Gyomei thought.

Shinobu was on her seat waiting for everyone else to come in and for Gyomei to start the class. A few minutes later, many students were coming in the class to get ready, Shinobu being her usually self, just ignored them, until she noticed one person entering the classroom.

It was Koyuki.

Shinobu was absolutely shocked to see the woman, who was talking to Giyu at the festival, in her class.

'That's her! The girl I saw at the festival and the one who had a civil conversation with Giyu!' Shinobu thought.

When Koyuki was making her way to her seat with her friend, she saw Shinobu giving her a stare that made her a little uncomfortable.

"Um, is the girl with the butterfly pin new?" Koyuki asked her friend.

"No, she's not new, but she is someone who doesn't really hang out of people." Koyuki's friend responded.

When Koyuki heard that, she couldn't help but feel bad for her. She couldn't understand why someone as nice looking as Shinobu wouldn't have friends or even interact with people.

'Is she perhaps like me? Someone with a bad illness and people would push her away? Or is it something else?' Koyuki thought.


The bell started going off, and everyone who weren't on their seat finally sat down and waited for Gyomei to come to class and start.


While Shinobu was having her class, Giyu was in a shopping mall, trying to buy milk and some DVDs for Kanao. Giyu was in a DVD store trying to pick one or two Ghibli movies, in the end he got Castle in The Sky and Porco Rosso.

'Well, that's makes seven Ghibli movies me and my sister bought.' Giyu thought, since he and Tsutako always loved the first Ghibli movies they've watched, which was Nausicaa of the Valley of The Wind.

After buying the two movies, he went to a food store to buy milk, the list of things Kanae wanted on a small note and maybe two boxes of cereal, one for Kanao and the other one for Giyu and the Kocho sisters. As he was trying look for a good set of cereals to buy, he was greeted by a man he thought he would never see again. It was Koyuki's father Keizo.

"Tomioka-Kun!" Keizo greeted and patted his shoulder.

"Keizo-San!?" Giyu exclaimed.

"It's forever since I last saw you! I still wanna thank you for being such a good friend with Koyuki. It really means a lot to me and to her especially." Keizo smiled.

"It's no problem, I just don't want good people getting hurt by others. So how is Koyuki doing with Uni?" Giyu asked.

"She's doing fantastic! She made new friends, and Koyuki and I are still getting big helps from Hakuji." Keizo replied which made Giyu weird once again when he heard that name.

'Hakuji, why does that name sound so god damn familiar?' Giyu thought.

"KEIZO-SAN! I found the seaweed that you wanted!" A boy yelled out Keizo's name and approached.

"AH! Hakuji! Thank you, I was looking everywhere for it! You truly are a great person!" Keizo thanked Hakuji.

When Akaza looked at the person Keizo was talking to, his entire body just froze at the sight of the last person he wanted to see. Giyu also had the same reaction when he saw Akaza, Keizo noticed their reactions and got a little confused.

"Uhh, are you two okay?" Keizo asked.

"Giyu Tomioka..." Akaza uttered.

"Akaza..." Giyu uttered.


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