Chapter 29: Deciding

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Nobody's POV:

"Please Tokito-San, call me Nezuko." Nezuko smiled.

Muichiro was really confused on why Nezuko wanted to sit next to him. When Muichiro saw Nezuko enter he class during the sibling's first day, he believed her to be like most girls. Money whore. But when Nezuko introduced herself, that wasn't the case. The smile Nezuko puts, makes him feel at ease, he doesn't why.

"Um, can I ask why you want to sit next to me?" Muichiro asked.

"Because, when you said people would use you, I felt extremely bad. So, I was hoping I could help you or something like that." Nezuko answered.

"Why? Why do you want to? Aside from the teachers, nobody wants to help or be friends with me." Muichiro stuttered. He didn't know why.

When Muichiro came to school on his first day, he would get picked on for having money. But why him when every student would have money? Because of who he is related to, so boys would try and beat him up for money, while girls would try and be seductive to Muichiro and then leave him. After Muichiro would get his money stolen, people would just kick him aside and forget that he even existed.

"Because nobody deserve to be alone. Instead, people who are lonely should be supported by others. That is what my mother and father taught me and I appreciate it a ton. If you want, the two of us can be friends." Nezuko smiled.

After hearing what Nezuko said, Muichiro blushed at little, the last time he blushed like that was his brother, parents and when he had his first "date" with a girl who he thought actually liked him.

"Really? Do you really mean it?" Muichiro uttered.

"REALLY! REALLY!" Nezuko screamed and without thinking hugged him.

Muichiro's small blush started to get even bigger, and Nezuko just realised what just happened and immediately pulled away from the hug with a blush as well.

"OH GOD! TOKITO-SAN! I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Nezuko exclaimed and got shushed.

"SSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The librarian shushed Nezuko.

"Sorry!" Nezuko whispered.

Nezuko looked at Muichiro, who's eyes was wide opened. Nezuko believed that she made him extremely uncomfortable and apologised again.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what just hap-" Nezuko whispered, but was cut off.

"It's fine Nezuko. Just... um... forget that even happened." Muichiro tried to calm the situation but failed miserably.

Nezuko didn't know what to say, so she decided to change the subject.

"Soooo, what are you working on anyway?" Nezuko asked.

"Oh, um. I was just finishing my math homework." Muichiro answered and then showed her.

Nezuko's eyes widen as soon as she saw his homework.


"Wow... my brother and I can barely understand, even when Tsutako Née-San tries her best to explain." Nezuko said.

"I don't really blame you, everyone aside from me struggle a crap ton." Muichiro replied.

"Aside from you? Are you some kind genius?" Nezuko asked.

"I'm one of the top three students in the academy. I'm do fine in everything but P.E." Muichiro answered which made Nezuko confused.

"P.E!? I don't understand, when we did dodgeball, you eliminated Kanao-Chan, Aoi-Chan and Shinazugawa-San with one shot. You were basically a king of P.E." Nezuko exclaimed.

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