Chapter 45: Prom is here

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Nobody's POV

Thursday 9:00am...

Several days has passed and today was the day for the Dance Party or Prom. Giyu, Shinobu, Kanao, Tanjiro and Nezuko were all out shopping together for clothing they wanted to buy for Prom. Tsutako on the other hand was in her room with Kanae trying several dresses on.

"How does this look Kanae?" Tsutako asked.

"Hmmm, no that's no good. The skirt is a bit big, almost reminds me of a wedding dress. Next!" Kanae answered.

Tsutako took the dress off and tried another dress that was on the bed. Kanae on the other didn't like the dresses that was on Tsutako's bed, so she went to her closet and began searching, hoping she would find a suitable dress for Tsutako.

"What about this Kanae?" Tsutako looked at Kanae, but she wasn't looking. Instead Kanae was going through Tsutako's closet.

"Kanae? What are you doing?" Tsutako asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to find a good dress in your closet." Kanae said while going through the closet.

"But all my dresses are on my bed. Everything else in that closet are just simplistic clothes." Tsutako said.

"Well sorry to say, but I don't like those dresses. I'm gonna find something else." Kanae said, making a tick appear on Tsutako's forehead.

"Hmph! Well fine, if you're gonna help! Then I'm gonna pick which dress I should wear." Tsutako crossed her arms and turned away.

'Come on. There's gotta be something! I don't wanna go and do shopping for Tsutako. She has to have a decent dress.' Kanae thought and then felt a plastic wrap.

'What's this?' Kanae thought and grabbed the clothe.

"Tsutako! I think I found something!" Kanae shouted.

"What is it?" Tsutako asked and turned around.

"Look!" Kanae showed her the clothe and Tsutako's eyes widen after seeing the dress.

"No! Not that one! Oh god I forgot to return it to the shop after I tried it out! And just put it in the closet like an idiot! Leave it I'm gonna return later this afternoon!" Tsutako panicked.

"Oh no! Not until I get a better look." Kanae said and then opened the wrap and then let the dress roll down.

"Ara Ara! This is quite the dress!" Kanae smiled and Tsutako just covered her face out of embarrassment.

"Oh god! My did I have to buy this dress!" Tsutako muttered.

"Tell me, how long have owned this dress?" Kanae asked.

"Since last year..." Tsutako replied.

Ara Ara! Care to explain why you bought this dress? Did you and Masachika met way before y-" Kanae said, but was interrupted by Tsutako.

"No! I just bought it because... ummmm... I initially thought it looked b-" Tsutako tried to explain but was cut off by Kanae when she noticed something from the dress.

"SEXY!!!" Kanae screamed.

"Ehhh!?!" Tsutako uttered.

"The skirt could even do this? Tsutako, you sure have a sexy taste when it comes to dresses. At least with this particular dress. Tsutako, I have decided that you will be wearing this dress." Kanae smiled.

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