Chapter 58: What kind of Monster are you?

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Nobody's POV:


After years of Daki's humiliation, she finally had the very one person she wanted to suffer on her knees. As Daki as well as Koinatsu and Kaigaku were just grinning, Nezuko just leaned on Giyu's arm since she was beyond terrified. After all, she was shot unconscious, kidnapped and handcuffed.

"Giyu. Giyu. Giyu." Daki uttered.

"What do you want Daki?" Giyu bluntly asked.

"Simple. Revenge." Daki answered.

"Revenge? Why? Why to the point you would kidnap me and more importantly, Nezuko." Giyu asked.

"Are you that much of an air idiot? Remember the day you rejected me, where you humiliated me and made everyone laugh at me." Daki said.

"Are you serious!?! I did what I would always do with all girls, and that is reject since I had no interest in dating with anyone in Muzan's Academy! You could have taken it like the other girls, but instead you just have to overact like a complete psycho!!" Giyu exclaimed. Daki then kicked his stomach, and he on his back, aching in pain.

"NII-SAN!!!" Nezuko screamed.

"I would be careful with your words. Surely you don't want this girl, who is apparently your sister hurt. Right?" Daki smiled, and Giyu became pissed at that statement.

"If you want to hurt me, torture me, or even kill me. Go award, but don't you dare harm Nezuko!" Giyu said.

"It's really up to my daughter Koinatsu, not me." Daki replied, shocking both Giyu and Nezuko.

"Daughter!?!" Giyu and Nezuko looked at Koinatsu.

"Koinatsu dear, can you and Kaigaku take this girl to a different room? I need have a talk with Giyu about my life after school." Daki smiled.

"Okay, but first, I need to take something from her." Koinatsu said and walked towards Nezuko and bent down to her level.

"W-what do you want?" Nezuko asked.

"Well, I gotta take you to another room. Plus, remember what I said about the earrings? Yeah, it's mine." Koinatsu replied and pulled the earrings down really hard, which made Nezuko scream in great pain.

"ARGHHHHHHAAAAAAA!!!!! IT HURTS!!!!!" Nezuko cried. Giyu seeing something so horrific just made him even more pissed and veins were visible on his head, neck and even the red veins were visible on his eyes.

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BRAT!!!!" Giyu screamed in extreme anger. In fact, never in Giyu's life, have he been this angry.

Giyu got up and was about to hit a little girl's head by clenching his hands together. But before that could happen.

*Gun clicked*

Giyu immediately stopped after Kaigaku took his gun out and cocked it.

"I'd be careful. Don't want your little sister's brain blown to smithereens." Kaigaku said while pointing his gun at Nezuko.

Unable to do anything, Giyu just looked at Nezuko misery. After a few seconds, Koinatsu gave a big and quick pull to the earrings which ripped through Nezuko's Lobule, making it bleed very badly and Nezuko dropped on her forehead and cried and hissed in pain.

'I'm sorry, Nezuko. I'm sorry for being too weak...' Giyu thought and tears came out, but it was barely noticeable.

"Ew, there's blood on it." Koinatsu said and later wiped it off.

"Now you had your fun, can you take your the girl to a different room, sweetie." Daki asked.

"Okay, Mum. Now, get up you crybaby." Koinatsu demanded Nezuko to get up, but she couldn't.

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