Chapter 24: Giving Up

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Nobody's POV:

"Giyu Tomioka... Never thought I would see you again..." Akaza said menacingly.

"Yeah... I was hoping I wouldn't see you again..." Giyu responded.

Both of them had the same level of hatred aura around them, Keizo was getting a little worried and wanted to say but couldn't for some reason.

'Do these two have a bad history with each other?' Keizo thought.

"Keizo-San, why don't you take the things, buy it and wait outside. I need to have a talk with my 'old friend'." Akaza said.

"Uhhh, okay... Well cya Tomioka-Kun, it was nice seeing you again." Keizo stuttered and walked away.

With Keizo gone, it was just Giyu and Akaza. The two of them decided to go to a area in the store that was isolated.

"You know. When Koyuki told me she met you at the festival, I wanted to believe it was your older sister, despite the fact she said your full name." Akaza said, making Giyu clench his fist a little.

"I'm gonna guess she doesn't know much about your past or what you did to Makomo and Sabito. Akaza" Giyu said his second name since that name is something Koyuki might not know.

"That is non of your business. I still can't believe Koyuki is friends with someone like you, what exactly have you, a depressed looking asshole, done for her that is so great?" Akaza asked.

"I should ask you that exact same question." Giyu said with venom dropping.

If Giyu didn't have that encounter with Douma, Akaza would be someone he would despise the most. Akaza did not want to answer his question about Koyuki, so he decided to change the subject to something that made Akaza despise Giyu to the core.

"Tomioka, I hate you to the absolute extreme, and there is something you should know that is quite important. Something serious." Akaza said.

"And what is that?" Giyu asked menacingly.

"After I graduated and went home, I saw two things that traumatised me beyond belief. It was my father hanging and a note on the floor with blood as ink." Akaza answered.

When Giyu heard that, he began to slowly lose his hatred.

"W-what..." Giyu stuttered.

"After my father learned about the fight between you and me, he at first just acted disappointed. But in the note, it shows how he actually felt about me. It said 'You have always been a failure since the beginning, but I never expected you to a violent maniac and I want to just stop taking care of you. Good luck.', that is the last thing he left. I blamed you for his death." Akaza explained in anger and sadness.

After hearing what happened, Giyu felt extreme pity for Akaza despite the things he has done. Giyu began to think about the type of person he is.

'Am I the reason he lost someone so important... If only I didn't have this kind of anger, what have I done... Even though he deserve some punishment, he definitely doesn't deserve to lose someone he tried so hard to make happy... So much for Née-San saying I am a pure hearted person...' Giyu thought.

"Got nothing to say? That is what I thought!" Akaza cried and Giyu decided to say something.

"Akaza... Why haven't you told Koyuki about this? If anything, it almost seems like I'm the only person to know this..." Giyu uttered.

"That's because no one knows, not even the authorities. Why? Because I didn't want to be in foster care, so I decided to bury him myself, and pretend nothing happened. And for Koyuki, every time she talks about you, she always have the biggest smile on her face and I couldn't help but admire it despite the fact it was about you. Her smile gave me so much life and hope, and I knew if I told her about you and me, her smile would most likely disappear and she would fall into a state of extreme sadness. And that is something I can not afford, no matter how hard I don't want her talking about you." Akaza explained, making Giyu even more sadden.

"Akaza, I didn't know-" Giyu tried to say something but was cut off.

"But then, I began to realise that all of this is my fault! Not yours!" Akaza stuttered, making Giyu confused.

"What do you mean?" Giyu asked.

"My father just wanted what was best for me! And I just ignored him, saying 'As long I'm good at sports, I can have a career from sports and make a ton of money'. If I just listened to him for once in my god damn life and not act like a complete asshole to everyone in the school! Then maybe he would see how I am doing right now with Keizo-San!" Akaza cried.

"Even though I really hate you, I am sorry for everything I have done to you and your friends." Akaza apologised.

"Akaza... The one who should be apologising is me, if I didn't let my anger take over me, then-." Giyu tried to apologise but was cut off.

"Forget it, there absolutely nothing you can do. Nothing." Akaza said and turned around, but before he could leave, he decided to say something.

"Don't worry Tomioka, I won't tell Koyuki since you're everything to her..." Akaza teared and left.

After Akaza left, Giyu was left speechless, unable to say anything. But Giyu just went along and continue shopping while thinking about Akaza.

' Even though he said it was his fault, it's really my fault. I'm a monster. All things I love and care, I should maybe just give it up. I don't deserve it...' Giyu thought.

Giyu decided, after shopping, he would drop the things at the Butterfly mansion and wait for Shinobu to come home.

Giyu decided to break up with Shinobu, believing he doesn't deserve her.

'I'm sorry My Sweet Butterfly, but it's best that you're not with a monster like me..' Giyu thought and began to tear up.

After Giyu was done getting the things Kanae wanted, he went to a self-service checkout and paid everything he bought. After he was done buying, Giyu began walking back to Shinobu's house.


WELL, THAT GOT VERY DARK... Sorry about that. :(
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