Chapter: 39 Becoming Soft?

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Nobody's POV:

After Giyu and Hakuji settled their beef, the two of them as well as everyone else left Mitsuri's restaurant, took their separate ways and went back home. Giyu and the Butterfly sisters were dropped off at the Butterfly house first and they bid their farewells to the others.

"Cya Née-San." Giyu said.

"Bye Giyu. Giyu, I'm really proud that you managed to fix your issues with Hakuji and help Koyuki be with someone she rally love." Tsutako smiled.

"Yeah." Giyu placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Well, I guess this the end of our date..." Kanao said in disappointment.

"I'm sorry it didn't last as long as you wanted, but I'm sure on our second date, we can hangout a bit longer." Tanjiro smiled, making Kanao blush.

"Second date?" Kanao blushed.

"Well that's if you want to date ag-" Tanjiro said but was cut off.

"No! We can date again, it was really fun being with you." Kanao said, which made Tanjiro blush.

'Kanao is really becoming bold with Tanjiro.' Shinobu thought.

"Come on Giyu, Kanao. It's getting a little late, plus you have to rest after your fight with Hakuji, Giyu." Shinobu looked at Giyu.

"Okay. Cya Née-San, Tanjiro, Nezuko." Giyu smiled at the siblings.

Nezuko quickly ran to Giyu and gave him a tight hug.

"Nezuko?" Giyu asked.

"Nii-San, don't you get in fight like that ever again. Okay?" Nezuko looked at Giyu with worries, which made him quite guilty since he always got into fights when he was a kid.

"I'm sorry Nezuko. I'll try and not get into any fights." Giyu hugged Nezuko back and she buried her faced.

"You better..." Nezuko muttered.

After that, Tsutako and her group left after one last goodbye, with them gone, Giyu and the sisters went into the Butterfly house and were all greeted by Kanae who was making dinner which was surprising since they already had dinner. Kanao decided to take a bath while Shinobu took Giyu to their room since she wanted to have a talk with him. The two were sitting on the bed.

"Giyu..." Shinobu was looking down.

"What's wrong Shinobu?" Giyu asked.

"How are you feeling after your fight with Hakuji?" Shinobu said.

"It was a little painful, but I should be fine." Giyu said and placed his right arm around Shinobu.

Although Shinobu asked Giyu about Hakuji, that wasn't really what she wanted to ask him. It was Koyuki that Shinobu wanted to ask him about.

"G-Giyu, I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner." Shinobu said, making Giyu confused and worried.

"About what?" Giyu looked at Shinobu with concerns.

"On our first date, when I left you alone on the bench and went to the toilet. I saw you talking to Koyuki after I came back." Shinobu said, surprising Giyu.

"Why didn't you say anything about it?" Giyu asked.

"I was scared. Scared that mentioning her might all of the sudden make you go after her and leave me. And after learning that you actually had feelings for her before and you were gonna confess, I was scared that I was gonna be alone once again." Shinobu started crying and covered her face with her hands.

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