Oneshot Chapter: Weirdest Date

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Nobody's POV:

Three months has passed since the R.A.D incident. And Douma, a former member of R.A.D, had officially moved in with Kotoha after he had proposed to her to which she accepted graciously.
Although Inosuke's relationship with his soon to be step father has gotten a little better, he still wasn't ready to accept him as a father since he never had one to begin with.

The three of them were having dinner together at home.

"Inosuke, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Kotoha asked.

"I do actually. Tomorrow I'm gonna hang out with my girlfriend." Inosuke answered, surprising Douma.

"Aoi-Chan? How wonderful, and are you two gonna do tomorrow?" Kotoha asked.

"The usual." Inosuke replied.

That response made Douma a little shocked. Even Kotoha, who knows the usual, felt a little weirded out by that response. Perhaps it was how he said it or how he gave no context.

"Usual, huh? May I ask what is the usual?" Douma was a little curious.

"Mum, do I have to seriously tell him everything about me? I mean, come on!!!" Inosuke whined.

"Yes, Inosuke." Kotoha sighed.

"It's okay, Kotoha. He doesn't need to answer." Douma assured her.

"I'll just tell you since you started it." Inosuke didn't care.


At Mitsuri's Restaurant...

Koyuki and Hakuji were in Mitsrui's restaurant since they always had dinner there. And during these visits, Koyuki and Mitsuri had become very good friends.

"Koyuki-Chan! Hakuji! What can I get for you tonight?" Mitsuri asked.

"Just the same." Koyuki replied.

"You sure? We got some new food you might like." Mitsuri insisted.

"I know. But the truth is... we didn't really come here to eat." Koyuki said which shocked both Mitsuri and Hakuji.

"You/We didn't?" The two of them asked.

"I came here because I needed your help with something." Koyuki said.

"What is it?" Mitsuri asked.

"You still remember Yae-Chan?" Koyuki wondered.

"Of course!" Mitsuri nodded.

"Well... ever since I got together with Hakuji... I can't help but feel bad for her." Koyuki replied, this made the two extremely confused.

"Bad ever since you and I got together? Are you saying she doesn't like me?" Hakuji asked.

"No!!! Of course not! I mean... I feel bad that she has be a... what is it called... OH RIGHT! A third wheel!" Koyuki explained.

This response made Hakuji sweat drop and Mitsuri looked down and began giggling quite loudly.

"So that's what you want! You want me to see if I can find someone for her go on a date with. Isn't that right?" Mitsuri giggled.

"Uhhh, y-yeah..." Koyuki stuttered.

"Well don't worry! I might have the perfect match for her!" Misuri smiled.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hakuji asked.

"Of course! Love is everything!" Mitsuri yelled.


At Yae's house...

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