Chapter 62: Marry me?

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Nobody's POV:

With Tanjiro's group...

"What should we do?" Tanjiro whispered.

"I'll go first and if I need help I'll give the signal and that is when you attack. Either kill or not. I don't care. Just make sure they're not conscious. Got it?" Douma said and the three nodded.

With that, Douma slowly revealed himself to the two guards. They immediately noticed and pointed their gun at him to which responds by raising his hands.

"Dear me, have you guys forgotten me so easily?" Douma smiled.

"What are you talking about? Who are y- WAIT!! You're one of the former leader! Douma!" The first guard exclaimed.

"Yes. I am. I came to check a few th-" Douma said but was immediately cut off by the second guard.

"Nice try! WE already that you're a traitor! I don't know how you got through but regardless we're gonna take you to Lady Daki. Is that clear." The second guard said, which made Douma sigh.

"*sigh* What a shame. I guess I'll do this the hard way." Douma sighed and then...

*Several gunshots*

Douma shot several bullets at the guards. However, Douma did not kill them, instead he shot their arms and legs since that will make them incapable of moving much. After hearing the shots, Tanjiro and the others immediately got out of the corner and checked, only to see two men shot.

"D-Did you-" Zenitsu nervously asked but was interrupted by Douma.

"No. I did not kill them. These two are something the police an take care." Douma said and walked towards the door. Of course, there was a camera watching to which Douma saw and immediately shot it.

"A camera?! That means we were watched? That means there is gonna be more dipshits coming here." Muichiro said with annoyance.

"It doesn't matter. We have to fight. It's the only choice we have." Tanjiro replied.

With Daki...

After Gyokko left the meeting room, Daki received another phone from Enmu which made her a little ticked.

D: What!?
E: Uhhh, I have some more bad news...
E: Ummm.... Douma is here and he is- (Hangs up)

"DOUMA!?! HE'S HERE!?!! ENMU TELL ME WH-" Daki screamed and then looked at her phone only to see the call has already ended. This made Daki even more pissed. So pissed, she threw her phone at the wall and began screaming even more.

"GGAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Daki screamed with an anger that was almost unimaginable. Hangentu's ear was bleeding after that scream, but he was still able to hear things.

"HANGENTU!!!" Daki yelled and Hangentu stood up out of fear.

"Y-Yes Ma'am!?!" Hangentu uttered.


"But how do you know that Douma is in the control roo-" Hantengu asked nervously, but was immediately cut by her.

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!?!!? WHERE ELSE WOULD HE BE WHEN ENMU SAID 'HERE'?!?! NOW GOOOOOOO!!!!" Daki yelled and then pulled her gun and pointed it at Hantengu.

"OKAY! OKAY! OKAY! I'M GOING!!!" Hantengu cried in fear, and then left the meeting room.

After Hantengu left, Daki grabbed her phone and then cocked her gun. Before Daki could leave the room to deal her beef with Shinobu, she uttered some words for the butterfly girl.

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