Chpater 21: You are Speical

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Nobody's POV:

It was past evening and school was gonna end soon. Tanjiro's last class was History and their teacher was Kyojuro. They were learning about The Holocaust. Tanjiro was enraged that people like Hitler existed and Nezuko was very sad that millions of innocents were killed.

'I can't believe someone can be this cruel!' Tanjiro thought and Nezuko was crying but thankfully it was barely noticeable.

*School bell ringing*

"Okay students! That's the end of class and school for today!" Kyojuro said.

The students stood up, packed their things and started to leave. Tanjiro took a deep breath and Nezuko grabbed her tissue to wipe her tears, the two went to Kyojuro to thank him.

"Thank you for today's class Rengoku-Sensei." Tanjiro thanked.

"No worries! It's my job to help youngsters like you to learn everything about the past!" Kyojuro said.

"Well then, we better get going, bye Rengoku-Sensei" Nezuko said.

"Goodbye young Kamado!" Kyojuro waved and the siblings left.

As the siblings were making their way down, they were approached by Aoi. Kanao was with her trying to stop her from being mean to them.

"Aoi please... Those two didn't do anything to me." Kanao nervously said.

"I'm fine with Nezuko. It's Tanjiro I'm worried about, ever since he came here, you've been a little sloppy in class. I wanna ensure you pass and have a good career, I don't want your future to be like your past." Aoi said and Kanao looked down, not out of embarrassment but out of depression.

Tanjiro noticed Kanao and decided to take say something even if it means getting his arm snapped.

"Hey Kanzaki. Look, I understand you don't like me or anything, but please know this. I never want to hurt anyone, especially kind hearted people like Kanao. I know you protect her since this school, I guess, has bullies and you scare them off to not hurt Kanao." Tanjiro said and Kanao eyes widened at his words and she lifted her head up to look at him.

"I-." Aoi was gonna say something but was immediately cut off by Tanjiro.

"Aoi! I promise at the bottom of my heart to not hurt Kanao! She is truly an amazing person, I never want her to have a dark future!" Tanjiro yelled which shocked Aoi and made Kanao blush.

'Are you trying to be cool in front of Kanao, Oni-Chan?' Nezuko thought.

"Okay then, I guess you and I can be friendly to each other. But I'm still gonna keep my eyes on you to make sure you keep your words." Aoi sighed and Tanjiro nodded.

"Ready to go home Kanao?" Aoi asked and Kanao nodded.

The two girls left school, leaving the siblings alone, they were about to leave as well. Until, a certain blonde hair was running in the hall towards Nezuko and Tanjiro.

"NEEEZZZZZUUUKKKOOOOO-CCCCHHHAAAAANNNN!!!!" Zenitsu screamed and was about hug Nezuko. Until...


Sabito appeared and knocked Zenitsu out by punching him into the ground. Nezuko got worried and Tanjiro didn't really care.

"Sabito-Sensei! Be careful, he just got out of the nursing room!" Nezuko exclaimed.

"It's okay Nezuko, besides, he was about to touch you in way I do not appreciate." Sabito replied.

"He's right Nezuko, besides, you said wanna to talk about something when we get home right?" Tanjiro said.

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