Chapter 4: I feel like I know you

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Shinobu's POV:

The moment I heard the voice of Douma was the moment I wanted to kill him or something as filthy as his disgusting face.

"Fuck off Douma." I said with a tone that dripped venom.

"Ara Shinobu-Chan, why do you always have to be like that to your future husband?" Douma smirked which made me wanna puke after he said that.


"No response? Are you perhaps too embarrassed to admit that you love me? Don't worry you can confess to me at a hotel." Douma said while still having that disgusting smile.

"Shut up Douma! I don't like you one bit, why are you always following me and trying to get me to marry you or some stupid shit like that?!" I yelled.

"Because you are sexy Shinobu-Chan, you have been since preschool! Everytime I see you, my heart is always beating at extreme speed because of how sexy you are." Douma replied. "Come on Shinobu-Chan let's get married before you lose that beauty and become a wrinkly old lady with no husband!"

'This asshole is one of the reason why I rarely interact with people. Despite the stupid shit Douma was saying, the very last part did hit me a little. What if he's right? What if I never find my love and never marry him? What if he's married to someone else? Will I just die with no children to call me mom? NO! I WILL FIND HIM AND I WILL MARRY HIM!' I thought while waiting for Uzui to call out my name.


Giyu's POV:

I was walking to the park with Tsutako Nee-San, Tanjiro and Nezuko who were all smiling which made me smile. While we were making our way to the park which was basically in front of us, I heard Nezuko squeal in excitement.

"Oni-Chan look at the park, it's like the one from the photos we always see on Giyu Nii-San's laptop! The swings, the merry-go rounds and those exercise thingy ma bob! Nezuko exclaimed.

"Even though we're a little bit old for some of these according to Giyu Nii-San, I still wanna try them out and see what they're like." Tanjiro said.

"Hey Giyu, I was wondering if you could grab some drinks from the cafe?" Tsutako asked. "I'm sure these two will be very thirsty after playing around."

"Sure Née-San, I'll go buy an apple and orange juice for these two exciting kids and I guess you want a latte?" I asked to which Tsutako replied with a nod.

We parted ways, with the three walking to park and with me walking to the cafe. When I was right outside the cafe I turned my head to the right to look through the window and see how Uzui was doing after all these years. But the moment I turned my head, I saw something else. I saw two people talking to each other with one looking like a rapist and other looking like she was in distressed. When I saw the girl with that butterfly pin, I couldn't help but feel something familiar about her. While I was looking, she turned and saw me which made me panic mentally.

Shinobu's POV:

While I was being tortured by Douma's speech about marrying me, I turned my head to the right to gaze up at the sky. But instead of seeing the sky, I saw a tall man with a messy hair that was tied in a ponytail, blue sapphire eyes and his face was almost emotionless. I couldn't help but feel something 'nostalgic' about him. I was about to drift away again until.

"Kocho! Your drinks are here!" Uzui yelled which immediately made me stand up in relief since I finally had the chance to get away from Douma. I walked towards Uzui to grab the drinks.

"Thank you Uzui." I said.

"No problem, sorry it took longer than it should have, my wives were arguing with each other." Uzui said which still surprised me since how can you have three wives.

"It's fine, cya Uzui." I said.

"Take flamboyant care." Uzui replied.

"Cya Shinobu! I'll see you soon!" Douma yelled which made me wanna throw my latte at him.

Nobody's POV:

As soon as Shinobu left the cafe, she almost bumped into Giyu. Shinobu looked at Giyu and he apologised.

"I'm sorry, I should have stopped and looked if anyone was coming out." Giyu apologised.

"It's alright." Shinobu said "Anyways, I gotta go so bye."

"Bye." Giyu replied with no emotion.

With Shinobu walking to the park and Giyu walking into the cafe. The two began to think about each other.

"Why do I feel like I know you." They thought in unisons.


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Btw the merry-go-round i was thinking looks like this

Btw the merry-go-round i was thinking looks like this

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