Chapter 8: Bullies and Victim

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Giyu's POV:

"Koyuki!?" I said.

"Oh goodness! Tomioka-kun, it's been years! How have you been?!" Koyuki asked.

"It's been good. What about you, have you gotten any better?" I answered and then asked.

"It's been great! My sickness is finally gone and I'm gonna be at Kimetsu University after the weekend!" She answered.

"Well that's great to hear." I smiled which made her blush a bit.

"So um. Are you in university as well or do you just have a regular day job?" Koyuki asked.

"I don't have anything since I just came back from the airport with my brother and sister." I said.

"Eh!? I thought you had one sister?!" Koyuki exclaimed.

"By heart." I added.

"Oh. What's they're name?" She asked.

"Tanjiro and Nezuko." I replied.

"Kawaii!" Koyuki yelled.

"Well if you want, we could meet them. they're at the park waiti- OH CRAP THEIR DRINKS, THEY MUST BE EXTREMELY IRRITATED BY NOW!" I yelled after realised the drinks and then I began running. "Sorry Koyuki I gotta go, it was nice seeing you again. Cya!"

"Bye Tomioka-kun!" Koyuki yelled.

After talking with Koyuki, I was running as fast possible to the park.


Nobody's POV:

While Giyu was running with the drinks hoping to not spill the lattes, Tsutako was starting to feel a bit irritated after Giyu was taking to long with the drinks. But fortunately for her, Tanjiro and Nezuko were having a fun conversation with the butterfly sisters.

'Where the hell are you Giyu Tomioka!' Tsutako thought while foot tapping. 'I guess I'll call him again.'

Tsutako grabbed her phone and was about to call Giyu. Until.

"I'm here! Sorry it took so long!" Giyu yelled while running towards Tsutako. He arrived and gave Tsutako her latte.

"Hmph! Took you long." Tsutako pouted.

"Nii-San, you're finally here!" Tanjiro and Nezuko said in a unison.

"So which juice do you exciting kids want?" Giyu asked.

"Uhhh? I'll take the apple one!" Nezuko yelled and Giyu gave her the apple flavour one. "Sorry if you wanted the apple flavour one Oni-Chan."

"It's alright. I'm fine with any flavour." Tanjiro smiled while taking the orange flavour.

After Giyu gave the drinks to his sister and the siblings, he immediately realised that Shinobu was here and she was looking at him. Giyu began to look at Shinobu and they were eye contact. Kanae took quick notice.

"Ara, Shinobu do you know Tomioka-San?" Kanae teased which made Shinobu have a pink dust blush which she doesn't know why.

"I accidentally bumped into him when I was leaving the cafe. And no I don't know him." Shinobu said.

"Hmm. Tomioka-San do you know her?" Kanae asked.

"No. Like she said, I also bumped into her at the cafe." Giyu replied.

Despite the two claiming they don't know each other, they seem to remember something so familiar about each other. With Shinobu she obviously had remembered her saviour having somewhat if not completely identical hair and she also remembers his name which was Giichi, but the man she is with had a similar but different name which was Giyu. For Giyu he remembers a girl that had a hair style exactly like Shinobu's, which was a 'yakai-maki' bun with black hair that fades into purple and she also had a butterfly pin on her hair. Unfortunately for Giyu, he never got her name and he began to drift away.



"Hey Giyu, what do you think we should do first at the arcade?" Sabito asked.

"Mmm? Maybe..." Giyu said until Makomo cut him off.

"How about air hockey!" Makomo yelled.

"I guess air hockey will our first." Giyu said.

"But that's a 1v1 game." Sabito said.

"I guess one of us will have to PLAY the WAITING GAME, Peachy." Makomo said which made Giyu act immediately.

"Well. I'll be the first one." Giyu said.

"Uhhh?! Says who!?" Sabito asked.

"Says m-" Giyu said but was cut off by a scream.

"Did you hear that?" Giyu asked.

"Hear what?" Makomo replied.

"MY EYES!! WHY!!!"

"I hear it! I'll go and— ehh!? Giyu where are you going." Sabito screamed.

"I'm gonna save the person screaming!" Giyu yelled.

"Wait Giichi!" Makomo yelled.

'Please be okay!' Giyu thought while running as fast as possible.

When Giyu was running, he found the place where the screaming was coming and he saw two boys hurting a little girl who was Shinobu. Giyu saw one of the bullies raising his arm preparing to punch her, he quickly ran punched him in the face which made him fall on the ground.


After one of them got up, the two bullies began attacking but Giyu managed to beat them both resulting the bullies to run away like cowards.

"Are you okay?" Giyu asked. 'She's beautiful.'

"I am a little. Thank you for saving." Shinobu thanked Giyu.

After the small chat, Shinobu asked Giyu what his name was and he was about to reply, but was cut off by Makomo who called him by nickname 'Giichi'. After Giyu was called, he left without telling Shinobu his name. As soon as Giyu left the alleyway, he and Makomo began walking back to Sabito with her scolding him.

"Giichi! Why did you do that?! Makomo scolded him. "You know, if you stayed in there any longer and an adult saw you, they might have mistaken you as the bully!"

"I'm sorry Makomo-Chan but I couldn't let the girl get hurt." Giyu said.

"It's fine as long as you're not in any major trouble with the grown ups." Makomo sighed.

"I guess..." Giyu said quietly.


Back to present:

As Giyu was daydreaming, Shinobu was waving front of him and he quickly stood up straight.

"Ara, you are sure do like to daydream." Shinobu smiled.

"I guess I do." Giyu awkwardly smiled while taking a sip of his latte.


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