Chapter 19: You will find someone

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Nobody's POV:

"Giyu. You and I need to have a talk." Tsutako said in a very serious tone.

"Okay..." Giyu nervously replied.

The two went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Giyu grip his jeans on his thighs hoping it would do something for him.

"Care to explain." Tsutako said.

"About?" Giyu asked.

"About last night." Tsutako answered, making Giyu sweat and grip his jeans even tighter.

"I remember calling you last night, and saying that I need to help Shinobu with her Uni studies." Giyu said, which she obviously did not believe. Then she noticed something.

Tsutako moved closer to Giyu and pulled down his collar, only to find a bite mark on his left neck. An aura began to appear around Tsutako which made Giyu mentally panic.

"What is this?" Tsutako asked menacingly.

"It's a-a m-osquit-o b-ite." Giyu stuttered.

"It's quite big for a mosquito bite, don't you think? Giyu, didn't I tell you to be honest with me?" Tsutako asked.

"Really Née-San! Nothing happened!" Giyu lied, which forced Tsutako to take her phone out.

"Then explain this." Tsutako showed her to Giyu and played the recording that Kanae sent to her.

'KANAE!!! YOU FUCKING RECORDED ME AND SHINOBU HAVING SEX!!!' Giyu thought and looked at his sister, only to see a pitch black face with red glowing eyes that had an aura that was getting bigger.

"So?" Tsutako asked.

"Wait Née-San I ca-." Giyu tried to explain but was cut off when his grabbed his face.

"Giyu! Even though you are old enough for these kind of things. I don't you want you to do it bef-." Tsutako said but stopped herself and let go of his face.

Giyu looked at his sister, only to see her covering her mouth. This made him extremely confused.

'What just happen? At first, Tsutako was a demon trying to bring terror. But she stopped as soon as she said... Wait a minute!?' Giyu thought while looking at Tsutako and he noticed something.

A small pink dusted blush.

This made Giyu smirk, since he finally understood why she was so upset.

"Née-San, are you jealous that I, the younger sibling, lost his virginity before the older one?" Giyu teased, making her blush even more.


"Because you never once in your life went out with someone." Giyu replied.

"That, that, that... THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING!!!" Tsutako yelled.

"Née-San, I was just like you, no one to go out with. But after a long wait, I finally found someone I can love. Nee-San, although you waited much longer than me, I know you will find someone you can love." Giyu said, which made Tsutako's face soften and the aura around her began to slowly disappear.

"Giyu..." Tsutako uttered and hugged him and began to tear up.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch..." Tsutako cried and Giyu hugged her back.

"Don't say that Née-San." Giyu said pulled away from the hug.

"So? Important isn't it." Tsutako said.

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