Chapter 2: Nickname

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Giyu's POV:

"Giichi, Tanjiro, Nezuko, you're finally here!!!" Makomo screamed in excitement and hugged me.

"Makomo, you're still calling me that? I'm not a kid anymore." I chuckled. (Giyu chuckled? Impossible!!! xD)

"Hey, you said I can call you that after you left." Makomo pouted.

"I guess. Tanjiro, Nezuko say hi to Makomo and Sabito." I said while pulling away from Makomo.

"Hello Makomo Née-San." Tanjiro said while smiling.

"Hello Sabito Nii-San!" Nezuko said with a cheerful tone and hugged Sabito which made him blush.

"Are you two ready see the world we live in?" Sabito smiled.

"Yeah!!!" Nezuko and Tanjiro said at the same time.

Tanjiro and Nezuko lived in the mountains with their parents which was near a small village which is where Urokodaki lives and where my parents lived before. Urokodaki always sent my sister letters about the place not having many things that would keep the Kamado kids entertained for the rest of their life. So after I graduated, I decided to move to the mountains and change things by showing them many things they've never seen and perhaps this would help them what they really want to do in the future instead selling charcoals.

Nobody's POV:

The trio and siblings left the airport and hopped in Tsutako's car. Giyu was sitting in the front with Sabito who was driving while the siblings and Makomo were at the back. Sabito started the engine and drove off. This surprised the siblings as they never seen a car start in person, they've only seen it on Giyu's laptop which he left behind for the Kamado family. While Sabito was driving, Tanjiro and Nezuko were looking at the "world" were gonna live in.

"So, you two are going to school after the weekend, is that right?" Makomo asked

"Yeah, Me and Nezuko are excited to learn new things and make new friends at school." Tanjiro replied.

"Really, after the weekend? Don't you think you should have least one week off? There's so many things you can do." Sabito said with a shocked face.

"Sabito, they still have Sunday and of course today which is 8:03 am right now. I'm pretty sure that's enough for them to see many things, beside we don't need to rush things for them." Giyu replied.

"I guess so." Sabito said.

"So, are you sure one house is enough for all of us? I don't any of you sleeping somewhere uncomfortable." Nezuko asked with a concern tone.

"It's alright Nezuko, Sabito and I live in a different house." Makomo replied which surprised Giyu.

'Different house? Did they move in together? Tsutako Née-San never told me, well i guess that really isn't something important I should know. I wonder if they did i- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING GIYU!!!' Giyu thought and mentally slapped himself.

"So where are we going Sabito Nii-San?" Nezuko asked.

"We're gonna go to Tsutako's place and after that you, Tanjiro and Giyu can go to the park together." Sabito answered.

"What about about you and Makomo?" Tanjiro asked Sabito while looking at Makomo.

"Peachy and I are gonna be busy today." Makomo said which concerned Giyu a little when she said that. "I'm sure all of us can hang out tomorrow, but for today it will be you, Nezuko and Giichi. Maybe Tsutako will come with you to the park."

"Makomo Nee-San, can i ask why you call Giyu Nii-San 'Giichi' and Sabito Nii-San 'Peachy'." Tanjiro questioned with a confused face.

"When we the three were kids, I always liked giving people nicknames, but people didn't liked that which made me a little upset. But Giyu and Sabito were the only people who didn't mind a nickname as long it wasn't to ridiculous. So I called Giyu 'Giichi' and Sabito 'Peachy' which made them blush and that made me very happy and grateful these two were my friends." Makomo answered Tanjiro's questions.

"Can I give you a nickname Makomo Née-San?" Nezuko asked.

This surprised Makomo since Giyu and Sabito never cared believing someone as cute her didn't need one. "Sure, what do you want call me Nezuko?"

"Mako Nee-Chan!" Nezuko yelled which shocked everyone, Giyu smiled at the name, Sabito and Tanjiro had pink dusted blush on their cheeks while Makomo's face was a red blush.

"Thank you Nezuko, that nickname is perfect." Makomo thanked while her blush was slowly fading away and small tear started to form, but thankfully for her the tears was unnoticeable by the others.


That's chapter 2, I'm sorry i said the next chapter will be better but i got a little lazy xD
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