Chapter 33: Date gone wrong

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Nobody's POV:

Nezuko was on top of Zenitsu and had her lips connected to his. Nezuko, still blushing madly, quickly pulled away from the kiss and apologised.

"I'm so sorry Agatsuma-San! I didn't mean for that to happen!" Nezuko apologised.

"N-no, it's okay. I should've been a little bit more careful..." Zenitsu stuttered while blushing.

'EVEN THOUGH IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, NEZUKO-CHAN AND I KISSED!!!!!' Zenitsu celebrated in his mind.

"Nezuko! Are you okay?" Muichiro finally found her with Zenitsu.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Um, we should get going, I don't wanna be here anymore..." Nezuko said and the two nodded.

Muichiro walked to Nezuko and grabbed her hand to help her get up and they all left the mirror maze and went one more ride. After the last ride, the three left the amusement park since Nezuko wanted to go shopping and a movie theatre.

30 minutes later...

Nezuko and her dates were in the main shopping mall looking around to for something to buy. Nezuko saw the movie theatre and a new movie.

"Hey! Let's watch this movie!" Nezuko yelled and pointed.

It was WWZ

"N-no. I saw the trailer and it is too much." Zenitsu stuttered.

"I wouldn't mind at all." Muichiro said.

"So it's settled, we are watching WWZ!" Nezuko cheered.

"Wait what!?" Zenitsu exclaimed.

Nezuko dragged the Muichiro and Zenitsu to buy tickets and some food. After buying some food and drinks the three went inside and waited for the movie to start.

After the movie...

The movie was finished, and the three came out of the theatre. Nezuko and Muichiro were satisfied, but Zenitsu was traumatised at the movie. With that, they left and went shopping. A few minutes later, Nezuko found a nice clothing shop and went in grabbed some clothes to try.

"Okay guys, I'm gonna some of these clothes, so it might take a little long." Nezuko said and the two nodded.

With that, Nezuko went in one of the changing room and locked. Muichiro looked at Zenitsu and gave him an glare which made Zenitsu confused and little frightened.

"What?" Zenitsu uttered.

"If you dare take a little peek..." Muichiro said menacingly.

"I won't." Zenitsu replied.

With that, the two stayed silent and just waited for Nezuko to come out. Although Muichiro was a person who rarely talked with people, he decided to have a chat with Zenitsu.

"Agatsuma." Muichiro uttered.

"Yes?" Zenitsu said.

"What made you change? I mean, what did Nezuko say or do that made you not act like a perv when you are around her. Cause before her, who were always, well you know." Muichiro asked which surprised Zenitsu a little.

"To be honest, I really don't know. Maybe Nezuko-Chan had something that no other girl had, and that was extreme purity. Since the beginning, I never had friends, I would always have this one person and his gangs bully me and take my lunch, even when I try to make friends with girls I thought were nice, they would all just push me away. So I thought maybe I would live alone for the rest of my life with no friends. But, seeing Nezuko-Chan for the first time in class and talking to her made me feel like I could actually have someone I could call friend or even girlfriend." Zenitsu answered.

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