Chapter 57: Psycho

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Nobody's POV


During Giyu's time as a student, two major things had occurred in his life. The first being his parents, after Tsutako graduated, the two bid their farewells to their son and daughter and moved to another country. Ryo and Mizu leaving is one of the reason why Giyu is always emotionless, and Tsutako always tried her best to cheer him up. But luckily for her and more importantly for Giyu, they still had two important people in their life, that being Sabito and Makomo whom they met two years after Koyuki left. The two have always been more than friends, they were like brothers and sisters to Giyu and Tsutako and they always tried to help the siblings. Giyu, Sabito and Makomo have always been in the same class since the day Sabito and Makomo applied for Muzan's Academy And now...

The three of them were starting their final year of Muzan's Academy High. Giyu entered the school while being gazed by many girls since they founded him beyond attractive, some of were even courageous enough to ask him out. But like always...

"Sorry, I'm not interested in dating..." Giyu uttered.

"Why!? What can I do convince you!?" The girl exclaimed, and before Giyu could answer.

"Nothing!" Makomo interrupted the two and hugged Giyu's arm. This act made the girl irritated.

"Hey! Who do you are to touch Tomioka-Dono like that?!" The girl angrily asked.

"First of all, don't call him that, it's creepy. Secondly, I am Giichi's fiancé!" Makomo lied, but the girl obviously did not know.

"WHAT!?! IS THAT TRUE!?!" The girl asked in extreme shock, and Giyu just played along and nodded.

"Now that's out of the way, you can go and be sad." Makomo smirked.

"I-I-I HATE YOU!!!" The girl yelled at Giyu and ran away and a few students witnessed the scene and just laughed.

"Well, now that girl is gone, shall we get going, Giichi?" Makomo asked.

"Sure. Also, you can stop hugging my arm." Giyu sighed.

"Why? Don't you love your fiancé?" Makomo teased.

"Makomo, for the last time, stop with this fiancé thing. People constantly ask me about you, even Sabito gets annoyed every time. You two have been together since Junior." Giyu said, which made Makomo pout.

"Hmph! Well sorry for saving your sorry ass everytime a girl ask you out." Makomo pulled away and looked away.

With that, Giyu and Makomo went to their classroom where Sabito was waiting. As soon the two entered the class.

"Peachy!!!" Makomo ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Makomo, you're hugging a bit too t-tight." Sabito uttered.

"Oh sorry!" Makomo apologised.

"So, Giyu. Are you sure you really wanna leave and go to the mountains after graduation? I mean, leaving behind a career, that's quite a hard thing to do." Sabito asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. If it means those kids are gonna have their own career in the future. Then it's worth it." Giyu answered and sat on his chair, which is the protagonist seat.



The school bell was ringing, and everyone were heading to their class, while the trio were sitting and chatting a bit. After a minute, nearly all the students were seated and their teacher entered the classroom.

"Morning students. Now before we begin your final year, one student from a different class is transferring here due to difficulties." Mr Ken said.

Mr Ken was a very depressed teacher, some of students would even say that Giyu and Ken were related due to their dullness.

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