Puppy Eyes // Clingyduo

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help me


"Tommy please?!" Tubbo begged, clutching onto Tommys arm.

"Tubbo, we're not adopting the cat." Tommy grumbled, pulling out a sword.

"DON'T KILL IT!" Tubbo shrieked, standing over the small orange kitty they had found.

"Why not? Put it out of its misery." Tommy said. "What're you gonna do?"

"I-I won't be your friend!"

"Tubbo we know that's a lie."

"But he has hope!! Look at him!" Tubbo said, gesturing to the cats big, sad green eyes.

"I'm killing it."


"Give me one good reason I shouldn't, then!"

"I've stayed with your crazy ass for a year now."

"Horrible point." Tommy scoffed. "Ima kill it."

Tubbo sighed and walked over to Tommy slowly. Tommy started getting nervous.

"W-what are you doing? You never give up this quick."

Tubbo just looked up at his friend. His eyes got big and sad, and started tearing up. His chin quivered, and Tommy tried to look away but couldn't. He tried to pull away, but Tubbos eyes had stopped him.

"Please?" Tubbo said in a small, helpless voice.

"No." Tommy squeaked, but the puppy eyes were too much.



"Fine... I guess Ranboo's my best friend now.." 

"OKAY, I WON'T FUCKING KILL IT." Tommy groaned, and Tubbos ears perked up.

"Yayyy!" He cheered, and picked up the tabby cat.

"I'm gonna name you Rocky!" Tubbo said, smiling. Rocky mewed happily, and Tommy sighed.

"Stupid fucking puppy eyes." He grumbled.

"It works every time." Tubbo smirked, Rocky on his shoulder.

"I fucking hate you."

"That's not true."

"Maybe." Tommy smiled and Rocky rubbed his face against Tommys hand.

"I could never hate you, Tubs."

"I could never hate you, Toms."


pspspsps clingyduo fluff pspsppspspsp

have i summoned them yet

buff tubbo chapter? maybe..

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