Unfamiliar SMP // Springduo

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BearSMP is awesome go watch it

I literally just watch it for Ghostbo/Springduo content

kudos to the playlist I listened to while making this. it doesn't fit the mood but fuck idk :] and the next thing is a pretty pic of the Bear SMP!

ahahah I reject all BearSMP headcanon. and I reject all timelines. THIS IS NOT SHIPPING BTW!!

you might see some familiar names :)


Tubbo was staring at the stars on top of the van. He thought about BearSMP, his home before all this. Before L'Manburg and Tommy and Wilbur.

"Tubbo?" A voice called from below.

"Hey Wil, I'm up here." Tubbo sat up as Wilbur climbed onto the roof and the older sat next to the younger.

"What're you thinking about? Glorious battle?" Wilbur joked.

Tubbo smiled faintly. "Nah, just.. home, I guess."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow "Going all sentimental on me, then? Thinking about freedom n shit?"

"No.." Tubbo hummed "Not this home. My other home."

Wilbur glanced at the brunette. Tubbo just kind of arrived one day, through his last Portal Box. A Portal Box, by the way, is a way to get between different servers, SMPs, and just worlds in general. 

Anyways, Tubbo had appeared and Wilbur and Tommy decided to invite him to L'Manburg. With nowhere else to go, and nothing else to do, Tubbo decided to stay.

"Where did you live before the Dream SMP, actually?" Wilbur asked.

"Bear SMP. I was pretty powerful there, too. And I had a lot more friends. Not that you guys are horrible, I love you guys-" Tubbo added quickly and Wilbur chuckled.

"I know. Tommy might not though." Wilbur reassured him.

"Yeah. Bear SMP was where I lived before Dream SMP. I was trying to find something for my friend Beau, but then I ran out of charge, and now I'm here." Tubbo shrugged. "They write sometimes. Sometimes I write back, but usually I'm too busy. Or life is just boring."

"She hasn't written in a while though." Tubbos eyes softened as he looked into the night sky.

(i know i know it sounds so lovey dovey but please I'm usually a light romance writer have mercy :'D)

"Tubbo! You never told me you had someone back in your old home!" Wilbur exclaimed teasingly.

"Ohmygod no it's not like that!" Tubbo turned red. "Me and Aimsey are friends."

"I know, I know." Wilbur laughed "So who's Aimsey?"

"Aimsey was my best friend in the Bear SMP. I used to steal her hat, and then Bill and Neptune would recruit us to sell snow-"

"Snow?" Wilbur questioned.

"Yeah, snow. They were kind of weird. And Niki, she's very nice. She wrote to me once, saying she would come and save me. I tried to write back, but Sapnap stole the last of my paper."

They sat in silence for a few moments. Then Wilburs brow furrowed. 

"Tubbo. Don't we have a charged Portal Box? You could go home."

Tubbo shook his head. "I can't leave you guys. You mean too much to me that if you die while I was frolicking around in Bear SMP, I wouldn't be the best person."

Wilbur sat, thinking about that. He could feel the homesickness coming from the teens words, but Tubbo was loyal as fuck. He wouldn't leave L'Manburgs side for anything, except his friends lives.

The next night, while everyone was sleeping (and I was reading gay fanfiction) Wilbur grabbed the Portal Box and headed into the woods.

Glancing around, he threw a small cube onto the grass. Suddenly a rectangular block appeared, around Wilburs height, if not taller.

(looks like this. yes this is from Loki. ignore the person.)

"BearSMP" He whispered as he typed it into a floating keypad next to the door

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"BearSMP" He whispered as he typed it into a floating keypad next to the door. Wilbur ran through it, eyes closed and shivering from the liquid like texture. 

He opened his eyes and his mouth dropped open. He looked around, seeing a blue sky and a bright town square.

"Hello?" A voice said and Wilbur looked down. (hahah Aimsey is 4'11)

A small, long haired brunette stared up at him. She wore a white hat with ear flap things and little bear ears and a blue and white striped T-shirt with jean shorts whatever they're called.

"Oh- hi!" Wilbur looked around. "Is this the Bear SMP?"

"Yep, it is! Who are you?" The brunette smiled.

"I'm Wilbur. Wilbur Soot. Are you Aimsey?" Wilbur said, noticing the hat.

"I am! How'd you.." They glanced at the portal and gasped. "Are you from Tubbos land?!"

Wilbur frowned a little. "It's not really Tu-"

"Dream SMP, whatever. Are you the Wilbur Tubbo wrote about?" Aimsey interrupted.


"Can I go see him?" Aimsey looked past Wilbur at the portal. "God, it's been a while."

"I-" Wilbur sighed "No, you can't. It's midnight in the Dream SMP, and Tubbo will freak out, along with Tommy."

"Oh. Well then, you can meet Bear." Aimsey smiled again.

"Bear?" Wilbur asked, confused.

"Bear is our founder, basically. You can meet him and Guqqie and Bill and Sniff!" Aimsey grabbed Wilburs hand "C'mon!"

"Woahkay-" Wilbur followed after Aimsey into the unfamiliar SMP.



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