I'm Poppy // Jack

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seeing I'm Poppy a lot on Jack kinnie playlists so

honestly i love this song :D



I'm Poppy

Jack blinked.


I'm Poppy

He couldn't hear anything. A faint voice sang alone in his head.


I'm Poppy

Who was he again?


That's me!

"I am Jack Manifold." His voice was stiff and it hurt to speak.

Welcome to the new world

I'm your internet girl

No. No, he was Jack. Not Poppy. Not again.

Open up and you'll see

Everyone is happy!

No, everything wasn't good, he had just come back from hell and just escaped her-

I like your technology

Can you put it on me?

His hand.. he couldn't feel his hand.

The future is so pretty

We're living in harmony

He slowly looked down at his arm.

It wasn't there.

Just metal and wires.

But Poppy, how do I live in your future paradise? He had said.

All you have to do is follow these steps! Say.. The girl had smiled.


I'm Poppy

"No." He whispered.


I'm Poppy

"I got rid of you!"


I'm Poppy



That's me!

The demon was back.


woah 700 votes?? tysm!

so uhm, *cOugh* i made a story.

Jack went to hell, yeah? Well, he met a demon down there. It taunted him and took control over him, and just torturing and mind controlling him in general. Jack finally escaped her, but not without an injury.. his hand was infected, but not like a sickness. It was more like a curse.

No more left arm for Jack.

PTSD for Jack.

sorry for not uploading :'D ive had 0 inspiration

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