Down By The Bay // Benchtrio

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TW: slight gore, very scary shit

ignore the girl in the video


Tubbo grinned as he ran over the slippery pebbles and rocks at the waters end, running away from Tommy.

"WAIT, TUBBO!" Tommy shouted, now sounding urgent.

Tubbo faltered and tried to slow his breathing. "What? This isn't a trick to let you tag me, right?"

"No! It's just.." Tommy caught up to his friend and frowned. "Y'know over there?"

Tommy pointed past some small wooden fences to the area beyond, covered in even more fog as the little the two had now on this side of the land.

"People call that Sirens Bay. They say people have found bodies, and even one that looked clawed and possessed." Tommy shivered. "Let's turn around."

Tubbo stared at the other side. "I say we go in."

Tommy looked at the brunette like he was a psychopath. "What?! Do you have a death wish!?"

"No, it's just those are myths. And people lie. And you're a pussy if you don't go in. Imagine how famous we'll be if we tell everyone we went in there!" Tubbos eyes shone. 

Tommy sighed. Of course it would be about fame. His best friend always wanted a glimpse of being popular and cool at any cost.

"You go in. I don't want to die." Tommy said, crossing his arms.

Tubbo shrugged. "Mk" And started for the fences.

Tommys eyes widened. "Wait, Tubbo, you aren't gonna actually do it, right?"

Tubbo looked back at Tommy, smiled, and jumped the fence, eventually disappearing in the fog.

"Oh my god. The fucker actually did it." Tommy whispered, hands falling to his sides.

"Please be okay, Tubbo. Please." He prayed.


Tubbo entered the eternal mist.

It was weird, because half of him felt it was hot and the other half felt it was chilly.

"Hello?" Tubbo called. He stepped forward and heard a little crack.

He slowly looked down, and to his relief it was just a stick. He picked it up. It was big and heavy enough to be some sort of defense.

He kept walking forward, wary and raising his stick above his shoulder.

After a good 10 minutes, he laughed a bit. "What a bunch of bullshit. Sirens. Dead bodies." Tubbo laughed.

He stopped laughing when he heard a voice.

"Down by the bay.." The angelic voice echoed.

A children's rhyme? He and Tommy had learned that when they are little kids.

"Where the watermelon rots..

If you go home...

Just don't get caught."

Tubbo shivered and he did want to go home. Home to Tommy and his brothers. But he stepped forward towards the voice.

"If you do..

My mother will say..."

Tubbo could see a figure in the distance. He slowly stepped towards it, squinting his eyes so he could see.

A tall and skinny shadow turned towards him. It seemed as if it had horns and a long tail, but Tubbo still walked, as if in a trance.

"You don't wanna know

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