Blue Eyes // SBI or Crimeduo

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hahaha Mohasleeps you've given me too many ideas

anyways go check them out they are super pog!!

keep being awesome, chat


Wilbur didn't not like the child, it was just... Well, it was a child. And almost the perfect child.

Phil had adopted Tommy a week ago, and the seven year old had started to warm up to the family. Techno had warmed up to the boy, which was out of character for the family introvert. Phil, of course, had loved Tommy. Wilbur had mixed feelings. Tommy was nice, but he was rambunctious and loud. 

Wilbur couldn't play guitar without Tommy barging into his room. He tried to be nice to Tommy, but Phil seemed unimpressed with Wilburs efforts.

Wilbur wouldn't tell the others why he was so jealous, but he remembered every time he looked at the kid.

Tommy was the golden haired child that always looked perfect. He had sky blue eyes that Wilbur so envied. Techno had a weird soft maroon color of eye, and Phil also had light blue-violet eyes. Wilbur had brown eyes. Just stupid, stupid brown eyes.

Tommy had fluffy golden hair. Techno had long, royal almost, pink hair. Phil had short but just as pretty blonde hair. Wilbur had normal brown hair, that was kinda fluffy. (and a bad hairline but shhhh /j)

Wilbur stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He sighed and slid down the wall to the ground. He'd never be as beautiful, or pretty, or noticeable, or perfect as his family. He was just an outcast, and he looked like the adopted one instead of Tommy. Maybe even Techno too, because of the personalities.

"Wilbur?" A small voice came from outside the door.

"Go away, Tommy." Wilbur grumbled, his head in his hands.

"Dad said dinner was ready."

Wilbur winced when Tommy said 'Dad'. Phil seemed so much more proud of Tommy calling him his father than Wilbur did.

"I'm not hungry. Go away."

"But Dad said-"

"He's not your dad, Tommy!" Wilburs words bit.

Tommy stayed silent a few moments. 

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, and it was probably the first time he had apologized since coming into the household.

"Just... leave me alone." Wilbur mumbled.

Silence. Wilbur guessed Tommy had left, so a small sob escaped his throat. He hurriedly covered his mouth to stop the noise, he didn't want Phil to hear him. (ayyy what I do!)

But it didn't work. Wilbur let out small sobs, tears staining his sweater. He bit the sleeve, hiccup-crying. No one came to find him, or talk to him, or comfort him. He had been in here for a while. Were they even worried?

Wilbur buried his face in his knees (something i also do) and hugged his legs close, closing his eyes. No one cared about the bland kid.

Wilbur heard a click. He looked up and Tommy stood before him, his head slightly tilted. Wilbur buried his face in his sweater again.


"Go away." Wilburs voice was shaky.

"No." Tommy flat out said.

"Fuck off, Tommy!" Wilbur said, raising his voice a bit. Tommy didn't seem to flinch, and instead sat in front of him.

"Take deep breaths." Tommy said calmly.

Wilbur glanced at the usually crazy and energetic boy. His breath didn't slow though.

"Breath with me, okay?" Tommy took a deep breath in. "In."

Wilbur did, feeling f(F)oolish. 

"And out." Tommy let out his breath, and so did Wilbur.

"And in.." Tommy breathed in with Wilbur. 

"And out." They both exhaled.

Wilburs breath slowed. He wiped away the stray tears from his face. "Where'd you learn that?" He whispered.

Tommy shrugged "My friend Tubbo taught me back at the orphanage."

Wilbur nodded slightly. "You didn't leave, did you?"

"I did. But I heard crying, so I told Techie and Da- Phil I had to go to the bathroom." Tommy corrected himself, and looked down at his hands.

"He's your dad too." Wilbur said, and Tommy looked up in surprise. 

"Okay." Tommy smiled, making Wilbur subconsciously smile too. "Can we go back now? Dinner is spaghetti."

Wilbur chuckled a little. "Yeah. Yeah, of course."

The brunette stood up and offered a hand to the smaller. Tommy took it and Wilbur hauled him up.

Wilbur glanced at his reflection and frowned. Tommy noticed, and glanced at his reflection, which Wilbur was looking at.

"I want brown eyes." Tommy said, and Wilbur blinked. "No, you don't" Wilbur mumbled.

"Yes I do!" Tommy grinned. "Why not?"

*cue that one tiktok audio i cant find (cries) someone help me*

"Your eyes are like dirt!"


"Hold on, I mean that as a compliment cause dirt's the source of food and life in every single continent. 

They sparkle like Topaz, the stars could never parallel. They look so sweet, like coffee filled with caramel."

"That's pretty sweet."

"And like the autumn leaves that fall from all the tress, the color from your eyes are not as loved as they ought to be!"

"The warmth inside of them matches the heart inside of me. It's like it's meant to be!"

"Huh." Wilbur smiled. Phil and Techno had joined in and hugged him, Tommy smiling and hugging his brother tight. Wilbur melted in the embrace, and glanced at the mirror. 

"No." Tommy said shortly, and started to punch the mirror, earning a shriek from someone and Techno holding Tommy back.




2 posts in one day?!?!?! ur author is the best /j

ive been watching the Hunger Games

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