NK Vocabulary

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Greetings :D

If you don't know why I use these words here's a dictionary thing.


Parisduo - Wilbur and Fundy

Clingyduo - Tommy and Tubbo

Beeduo - Ranboo and Tubbo

Endersmile - Dream and Ranboo

Bench Trio - Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo

Goldenduo - Tommy and Purpled

Rocketduo - Niki and Jack Manifold

Fireworkduo - Tubbo and Techno (lmao)

Peerpressureduo - Techno and Ranboo

Icyduo - Fundy and Ranboo

Dad!Sparklez - Captain Sparklez, Tubbo, and Crumb sometimes

Flippers/Penguins - Substitute for fuck :]

Chat - You peoples

AU - Alternate Universe

Oneshot - One story (idk why yall wouldn't know this though)

Bold - Usually notes I make while writing :)

[Name]: - Texting/Messaging

A/N - Authors Note

=== - Barrier :D


ChatPods - Basically an airpod.

Communicator - It looks like a Switch and you can type messages to others. Each persons communicator is differently decorated. For example, Jack has a cupcake sticker Niki found and gave to him. Tommys communicator is red and white, and really scratched up.

<[Text]> - Callahan, basically. It's a death message. If the user has made a Death Note (I know, I know) then it will play in everyones ChatPods.

PortalBoxes - A portal, lmao, to go to other servers. Very hard to find, fix, and charge. Basically picture the portal door thingy from Loki.

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