the taken down

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Deckard and I wore our suits. Deckard's suit was all black no surprise there. It looked sexy on him. I wore a black and white suit and I put my hair up. Madam M got us an airplane to fly to where we needed to go.

We were on the plane I was playing with my hands and Deckard saw me being nervous he graded look at me and took my hand in his hand and said: "Babe you have been training with me".

I look at him and said, " Thanks Babe". Deckard kiss my cheek and said " Ready Bella". I smiled and said " Always" I pull the level and went up and smiled and I went up and Deckard followed we landed.

The place where my codes were was outside of Russia where nobody lived. Deckard and I nodded. I felt like a ninja but in truth,  I wasn't. I was a very well train ghost. 

Deckard and I walked together with guns ready and Deckard nodded to me. I nodded back and started to walk away. I stop and I could see Deckard looking at me and I run back to him and kiss him and lend near his ear and said: " I love you, Deckard, no matter what". I could tell his arms were around me and he lends in and said: " I love you, Isabella, no matter what". I step back and said, " Good we have a job to do". Deckard said " I knew I love you always getting what she wants and knowing how by the way after this want to go to Greece. I look back at him and said, " I would love that". 

I run and saw a bunch of guards and I smiled and said " Hi boys do you know where the bar is?" The men look at me and said: " Aww it is a little girl". That bugs me to no end nobody calls me that without getting hurt. 

I look at him and said "Big mistake" He looked at me and said, " Really what are women going to do". I smirk and said bet you up little boy". I kick him so hard and then move my leg and flipped him now. I smiled and said "Who is next". the men all run at me and knock me down easily. 

I walk away from them groaning and said: "Next time boys don't mess with me and I took out my gun and shot one of them in the leg and smiled and said that is for being sexist and calling me a little girl". 

I run away from them and got to the lap and shot everyone in there. I didn't care who they were they were trying to kill me and Deckard that is all that matter to me.

I hack my way in and tried to get rid of everything as I was walking someone come behind me and I turned around and saw a man with red hair I kick him so hard that it must have hurt him and I smash his head on the decks and said: " That is for trying to kill him tell your boss I am here to stay". 

He went unconscious and I keep trying maybe the computer is not a great thing. Cars are much better. I would do both. I could feel someone coming behind me and I reach for my gun and turned around. 

I point it at who was behind me and it was Deckard, I slow my gun and said: " Sorry you scared me". Deckard smiled and said I can see that you did great work over then. I smiled and he walk to me and kiss me on the lips and said: " Let's get out of here". I smiled and said "Good idea just let me place a fire bomb on here so this place will never be used again. Deckard smiled and kiss me and said, " Man do I love you." 

I grapes Deckard's hand and we run out of there and saw a car and got in it and drove off. I watch the place go up in flames. 

I put my hand on Deckard's neck and smiled nobody was ever going to become between me and Deckard. That was a promise for life and I will stand by Deckard and the Shaws that promise. I didn't know what was coming for me or my boyfriend. 

Deckard smiled at me and I look at him and kiss him on the cheek and he did that too. Luckily it was red light so it was ok. We drove to the closest hotel where nobody knew us and spend the night in bed making love. 

Author note 

 I am sorry this is a late update to Love or Family. I had something very urgent that I had to do. I am back now. Love or family will be updated on the weekends.

  I will start to publish new stories like Percy Jackson and more. I will also be doing a teaser so what is going to happen to Isabella? Please let me know your thoughts.  

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now