The Phone Call

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I was walking about for the store and I walked into our place and said: " Decks I am back". I didn't hear a word back and said " Babe" I walked into our room and Deckard was wearing his shorts and no t-shirt. He turned around and said " Sorry I didn't hear you. I saw the airport and I smiled and said, " Well I am back doing you have a good run". He walked over and said yes and kissed my lips.

Deckard said, " Well what did you get". I smiled and said, " Oh I just ran down to the shop to fix the car plus I like this job". Deckard smiled kissed me and said, " I am glad everything is going well". I smiled and then my phone rang and I saw it was Mia. I said yes and I said, " Hi Mia how are you?"

Mia said, " Isabella oh thank god you are ok, I thought you were in London".

I look at Deckard and he steps closer to me and wraps his arms around my wrist telling me, he wasn't going anyway.

I said " Um yeah I left London why "

Mia said " Dom and Brain were there and I think you need to know something, Brain and I are back together and I got pregnant with my son Jack.

I said, " That is great Mia, so why are you calling me?"

Mia took a deep breath and said " Um Isa Letty is alive"

Her words hit me like so hard. My leg went weak and Deckard's grip tightened on me to keep me from falling.

I said, " How is she alive"?

Mia said," She survived the car crash and Dom needs help will you go to London and help him"?

I couldn't believe it and said: " Mia I am not ready to go back to London let alone to see Dom remember Dom tried to marry me to his friend the one that I hate".

Mia said " Dom wants you to be married to his close friend and he explained it to me after I supported him, I shouldn't have let you go. "

I said, "Oh wow Mia never let me go, I am fucking older than you remember I thought you understood why I will never marry Vince you help me leave and now I am married to someone who loves me."

Mia said " I did help you and now you own me one go to London and stop Owen Shaw"

I looked at Deckard pulled the phone away from my ear and said: " I can't believe this". Deckard said, "You don't own them they send you away and now your sister who you trusted is the most in the world and now she is acting as if your brother controls you".

I said, " I am sorry Mia my answer is no and you know whatever happened to remember I am not the same person I am, I will remember this if you and Dom hurt Owen Shaw you will regret crossing me".

I heard her breathe in and I added " This is goodbye, Mia, you know I thought we were sisters, I have supported you all those years and now I see who you are. you are Dom.

Mia didn't say anything. I end the call right there. Not want to hear any more from my so-called family.

I smiled and said, "Wow that felt awesome to tell them off and hopefully Dom finds out I am not going to London or taking down my brother ". Deckard kissed me happily and said " I am so proud of you"

Another phone rang and I saw it was Owen calling me. Deckard took my phone and put it on the bed and smiled and said " I am so not letting either of our family ruin our honeymoon". I smiled and kissed him. Deckard picked me up and said, " Well I need slower want to join me". I smiled and nodded.

The hot shoulder was nice and the sex was even better.

After Deckard and I put on clean clothes and said " So what should we do for dinner". Deckard smiled and said, "We can do take out or I can cook ". Deckard's cooking was so good. I said "Let me check the kitchen and Deckard came with me I opened the fridge and said, "OK we have wine and cheese".

Deckard smiled and I said, "So if you want white wine and cheese for dinner then you are in luck".

Deckard said, " Why don't I make pasta for dinner".

I smiled and said, "OK I will go to the market and buy the items".

Deckard said, " Isabella you just come back for being out, stay here and just relax ".

I smiled and said " Ok, I will make brownies and of course chocolate".

Deckard kissed me and said, "Yummy I will be back".

I smiled kissed him and said " I know"

After Decks left and I made brownies, I knew how to cook well. I don't enjoy it.

As brownies cook. I read a new book about Women of Troy and Deckard came back and made dinner which was so good and brownies. We went to bed and I heard a phone ring and said: " Decks is not mine it is yours".

Deckard groans unwraps his arm picks up his phone and talks to the person on the phone. I had a hand on his shoulder. It tense and I kiss shoulder and He turned to me. I whispered up and said, " Decks what happened"?

Deckard said, " Your brother and gang took out my brother and Owen is hurt, Isabella".

I said, " WHAT No is he going to be ok"?

Deckard said " I don't know and I need to go"

I said, "Wait Decks I am coming, I warmed Mia not to mess with me or you".

Deckard said, " Isabella no I can't do that to you, you know what I am going to do."

I said, " Yes I know what you are going to do, I am coming plus I know where Mia is but Deckard doesn't hurt Jack".

Deckard said, " I won't I know you love him". It was very true I love my nephew and Mia and me just to have Facetime calls and meet him there. I even sent him a car as a gift.

I said "Decks I will send you everything but I am coming with you"

Deckard smiled and said," Ok I love you so much".

I smiled and said " I love you too"

We walk out the door.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now