Not Siblings anymore.

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Mia and I waited for Dom to come back for his race with Brian. A car pulls up and Dom comes back bloody with one T-shirt. He run into the house and didn't say anything to us and then come into the room.

Dom stood next to us and spoke so calmly. He breathed in and said, " Mia, Izzy I have to go the cops will be on my trail soon". Mia nodded. I was shocked my head and burned my head in my head. Dom look at me and said, " Something you want to say". 

I look at him and said, " Yeah I wish I left with my brother, he would never let this happen and you have thrown it away for being a criminal and you put yourself first, you never thought about your activities or how they would affect us or you says the family is important to you but what about the times that you never show that like you never let me in your gang when I came to you about Vince you thought I was lying but I wasn't you allow Vince to harassment Mia and then me ". 

Dom look at me and said, "Isabella you are lying and Vince ask me if it was ok to date or marry you that is why I am sending you to him you need to be by his side as a family". 

That broke everything that I have tried to tell him. Everything I tried and I couldn't get through to him, my brother.  

Something inside me broke and I was fucking done with being controlled by my blood.

  "  No, I am not, I am not doing anything you want, I am done".

Dom said, " Dammit Isabella I am trying to protect you and the way I can do that is by sending you to Vince ". 

Dom walk out of the room and Mia walk over to me and said " Isabella ". I said, "  Please Mia stop him, I don't want to do this Mia". Mia walked over hugged me and said " When he leaves in the car I will say that I will drive you to Vince but it's the truth I will bring you to the airport and I want you to get away from here  I want you to marry someone who loves you for you  ". I nodded and I didn't know what to say Mia was going behind Dom 's back and just hug her and said " I love you Mia". Mia smiled and said, " Love you, Bella".  

Dom come down and said, " Mia take Isabella to Vince". Mia nodded and I know that was a lie. This lie was going to keep me safe for years. Dom hugged Mia and then paused at me. I  just nodded at him. I know that the only person that I care about is Mia and my brother, not Dom. Dom walk down to the street and took off. Mia's plans were now in the works and it was time to put them in place as soon as Dom's car was gone for good. Mia and Isabella know that Dom is off to find  Letty and be with her. Mia nodded to me and I nodded back and we waited for Dom to be gone and then we started with the plan. I went shopping for clothes and other things I might need and burn phone and put Mia's number in it 

When I got back Mia had packed and called the hospital saying that Isabella will be waiting for Vince in Brazil but in truth, I would be in NYC and then London. I have never been to London before. Mia's plan was amazing I would never be Vince's wife someone else would that is ok with me. 

Mia and I drove to the Airport and check in and everything. I turn to Mia and said, " I will miss you so much, I wish I spend more time with you." Mia smiled and said, " I wish that too now you need to go".  We hug one last time. 

As I walk away for Mia. My first thought was that I miss her I do love her. I wish I spend more time with her. I feel free to do things like travel or become someone I want to be. 

The fight was ok and it was nice to read a book. I never would do that at home. I arrived in NYC and I went to the hotel I was going to stay. During the days I was there and walk around and did some shopping and I got an amazing job. I work at a high teaching place where I could make codes so I did.

One day I made a code that could make a car or plane untraceable. I spend a week on it and each day I made it better. I spend all my time working on others' code as well so where for work and the others weren't. 

Soon enough it was done and I spend the day relaxing. I dump my old phone and still had the burned phone and I talk to Mia every day. It was nice to have my sister in my life and not Dom. In my option, Dom and I aren't siblings anymore. Nobody shouldn't force women on what to do. I am still mad at him I will be mad at him for a while. 

After my relaxing day, I got home and I jump on my laptop which I saved money for. I check the code it was GONE. Somebody steal the code that I spend my life making and I went into the dark web to see where it has come for it come from London. I had no idea what I was getting myself into or who I would meet. I emailed my boss to see if I get transferred there. He emailed me back saying there was sport open there. I took it and back up all my clothes. I own the building and shop with it so yeah. I walk out of the shop most of the people who work for me were part of my gang now they aren't. 

I took a cab to the airport and got on my flight. I was coming hard whoever took my code was going to pay. 

Here I come 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now