Mr. Nobody 's Plan

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After I blackmail Mr.Nobody after work. He interrupts my Money heist time. I just started it. I got up and open the door and He was standing there wanting me to invite him in. 

I open my door and saw him in his suit and I open the door without a word. 

He walk in and I didn't say anything and I walk over to the tv. I reach to pause the show I was watching. 

He sat down and said " So Mrs. Shaw what are you watching? " 

I have him a look and said " Money heist,  Really that is what you asking me about that not what I just did to you and you aren't yelling at me for  knowing your identity?"

He just smiled. 

Mr.Nobody said, " How am I going to react to this, yell at you"? 

I just look at him and said " Well yeah kinda, I blackmail you, now why are you so calm"? 

He look at me and took out the pages and said " Ever heard of Cipher"? 

I said " Yes I have my husband told me all about her"

As Mr. Nobody talks about Cipher and her deals with my brother-in-law. Which I  know. He explained everything to me 

After a while, I said, " So let me get this right Cipher was spotted in Havana and you don't know what she is planning   she might be planning something  with your brother Dom Now that we are speaking Dom and his gang are in Russian, I have a plan in place if your brother goes rogue  will you stop him you and Mr. Shaw."

I look at him and said, " I will stop him if need be but after this, I am done, I am not working for you, I want those chargers gone and I want my husband out of jail or I will do it myself". 

Mr. Nobody said " Deal make the jail system weak and get in and break in if you can make sure Deckard is ok and free and I will do the rest.

I smiled and said, " Deal, now get out of my home, I have series to watch and jail to make weaker". 

He left and smiled and turn my tv back on if this Cipher bitch is coming for me and my family I will be ready.

Author Note - 

Who is ready for Isa to be like Black Widow? Sorry for not updating,  Instagram log me out and I was super stressed out about it. So I  am working on that. 

I love writing about Mr.Nobody and Isa's kinda father and daughter's relationship. He does care about her and he treats her like a daughter. They aren't related at all in case people were going to ask me that. 

Also after F8 - Hobbs and Shaw and let's just say Isa and Deckard's marriage is going to be different.  Yes, Isa will be pregnant with twin boys. Deckard has no idea so that will cause some tension between the two of them. Hattie will also play around with Deckard being not there for Isa in some ways. I do want to bring Owen into this please let me know if you would like to see him in this. 

F9 - Isa won't be there. She is mum to two boys and another kid on the way. 

On another note - I am trying to write other stories on different shows or movies. Don't worry I am still writing this story. 

I have started watching money heist, I am loving it.  The first story is called Athena - it is about Berlin's sister Another one is in the works - Berlin's love story. 

I have a story up and another one will be coming soon so go check it out if you want to. No pressure. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now