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Isabella's POV

As much as I love being in NYC for a while, I wanted to get back to London. Deckard started to become very overprotective of me ever since I told him about the baby. I was worried and a little annoyed at all of this. I want to talk about it to help Decks.

I got up and got dressed and packed and put on black pants and white shirt and white shoes which I loved. I got them while I was here. Letty and I went shopping together before dinner. Dom and I made up and we both were working on rebuilding that trust. Letty and I were good. Mia called me and we talked. I was really happy about having my family back. Letty and I went shopping tho Letty wasn't a big shopping person but she wanted to get some clothes for little Brian which was nice. Decks were happy to see me getting along with my brother. 

Decks woke up worried and saw me packed and ready to go. I said, " I pack your bag for you in mine". 

He smiled and kissed my head and said "Is the baby ok?"

I nodded and said, "It is hungry so let's get some food".

Decks took the bag and we went to Starbucks and got breakfast and drinks. We took a cab to the airport and got a check-in. 

We sat in first classes and Decks was on the phone with a doctor in London which he was panicking about for the last hour. 

He set up an appointment. He sat back down and I looked at him and said " Babe stop worried, the baby is fine and so I am" 

He looked at me and said " I know but I can't help but worry. I smiled and said, " Decks you are going to be a great dad, I know you didn't have the best dad but doesn't you will be like him, the fact is Decks you are a much better man than your father". 

He smiled and reached over and kissed me and pulled away and said " I am already a better man because of you!" 

He reached over and kissed me again and said: " I am sorry if I am overprotective of you, I just want to make sure my kids are safe".

I smiled and said, " I know that just turn it down a little bit just a bit ok for me".

He nodded and said, " Let's go home". 

I smiled and said, "Sounds like a plan to me". 

The trip back home was great. We got home around lunchtime and got home. Deckard made something to eat and as we sat. we talk about the baby and starting a family. 

I took a bite of my sandwich and said " Decks how many kids do you want"?

He smiled and said, "Well I am a child of 3 so maybe 3 but if we have a fourth I would want to talk about it. It also depends on you and how you feel about it, it is your body, not mine" 

I smiled and said, " Thanks, babe, I agree with 3, I am a child of 4 but if we want a fourth I would want to talk before it happened to have kids in hard on women's bodies". 

He smiled and said, "Sounds like a deal babe". He lends in and kisses my cheek happily. 

The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the house and doing some laundry 

All was right and peaceful. That was all going to change soon. 

Author note 

  Who thinks it is going to be a boy or a girl? 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now