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Deckard and I spend the night in each other arms. We drove back to London in the morning. I was tired and bruised so was Deckard. Owen welcome back to Deckard's home which was so nice it was better than my old home. I kiss Deckard on the cheek and said " I am going out, try not to kill him". Deckard smiled and said, " I won't promise". I walk out of the house and walk around and did some shopping. 

I walk into the park and sat down and smiled it was calm and I could think. Someone sat down and said "Isabella Toretto come with me or everything in this park is dead. I look at the kids and everyone in here and one little girl was running with her mother no I wasn't letting anyone lose their lives or parents to this man. I got up and the men pressed a gun on my hip. He said " Don't even think about leaving or I will kill everyone here. I didn't move he and many others made me walk to a warehouse and the men said "Call him?" I said "Who my dad died my brother is a jerk and my sister and I talk". He said " I don't mean your family I mean your boyfriend Deckard Shaw. 

I look at myself and said "No" The man said, "Well then you die". I pull out my phone and called Deckard. He answer it and said, " Babe what is it"? Before I tell him and my phone was taken for me by the man who said " Deckard Shaw we have your girlfriend here, we will kill your girlfriend if you don't come here right now. I could hear my boyfriend being angry and telling them if they hurt me he will come after them hard. 

I heard a voice that said " Isabella Toretto welcome I am Eteon for over a year I ask Deckard to join me and he said " No and now you have my attention do you want to join us? I said, " After all you did to my boyfriend why would I join you, you turned everyone against him my answer is the same as his NO". 

The voice said " Then goodbye Isabella we will meet again. I said " I hope not". The voice said, "Men kill her". My brain went overdrive I kick one man in the leg and grapes the gun and shot him and then I shot more of them. Soon my gun was out of bullets and then I kick the one guy in the chest hard. 


I look down and saw a big shot in my stomach with blood coming out of it and I look down and I saw a little gun and grabbed it and shot him before another shot could be fired. He fell and then I feel I started to blackout the gun wonder was hurting so much so I grabbed the closest  thing and put it own and I heard my name 


I use my last strength and said " DECKS IN HERE" 

He run in with Owen and said  "Shit Izzy" He drop-down next to me and said " Isabella babe stay awake. Owen said, "She needs a hospital Deck". Deckard nodded and pick me up in his big strong arms and left and we drove to the hospital.

Deckard said " Izzy please babe keep your eyes open" I look at him and said, " I am so tired Decks". He look at me and said, " I know babe just keep your eyes open please we are going to get help, just stay awake". I said, "So tired Decks can't stay awake". The last few words Deckard said were blurred and Isabella fell into a black room with sleep calling her name. 

The plane rushes through Isabella's body and 

she felt lost and unconscious. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now