BlackOps site

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Deckard's POV 

The trail come and went to Deckard it felt like hours.

He watch his wife the whole time. Her face was sad but she give him a smile that made him relax.  

Deckard knew what was coming out of the juggle's mouth before he said " 

Mr. Shaw, please rise, I have decided to put you on the black ops site for the rest while, Mrs. Shaw please rise Deckard saw his wife stand up and the juggle said " Someone has hired you and you are clear, you have put in a request that you get to see Mr. Shaw and I will allow it.

I was all ready to go to the black ops site when Isabella walked in wearing the most badass look and her hair was done up in a bun. 

I smirk and said " OO you look amazing"

Isa smiled and blush at that  said "Aww thanks babe"

Isabella walks over to Deckard and kisses him. Hobbs and the other cops didn't do anything but let them have a moment

Isabella wisher in my ear said " I will find a find to get you out" 

I kiss her cheek and then her lips and said "See you soon my love"

Without that Hobbs took me and put me in the car that goes to the site but Hobbs slip Isabella a piece of paper. 

Isabella's POV

I walk out and saw Dom and his gang and Dom walk up to me and said " Isa ... I am sorry". 

I said, " Dom save it, I don't want to hear your fake apology, let's face it we aren't friends or siblings I hope you have a nice honeymoon, Letty text me when you are back and we can get coffee". 

Letty smiled and said " Will do 

Dom just look at her and turn to me and said " Isa I am sorry I should have believed you about Vince". 

I scoffed and said " DO not call me Isa, I tried to tell you over and over again but you never believed me, What I said in there is the truth, it is going take a lot longer to make this up to me, now if you don't mind, I have work to do, Bye Brian, Letty. Bye Dominic"

I got in my car and drove off and while driving I called Magdalene to tell her my plans and she smirk it felt good to talk to her about everything. 

As I drove to the site where I would be working and smiled this wasn't the last you see of

Isabella Maria Shaw 

Isabella's car 

Isabella's car 

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Isabella's outfit 

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