Getting ready for our twins

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Isabella's POV

Everything was going amazing, life was calm well getting ready for our children. We found out that we were having twins and the gender was two boys. We pick green for one child and navy blue, we pick out names. 

Decks was very excited but also worried, you see Matthew Shaw was an evil father and beat Deckard and Owen with a belt. I never met him, he died when Decks was about 13 and Owen was 12 and Hattie was 10, Decks didn't like to talk about him much. I knew he was worried and I knew he was working on something black-market thing. 

However, he was never that busy making it to appointments and checkups. I picked up my phone and called him, he picked up and said " Isa is everything ok?". 

I said, "Yes, your boys are kicking me so much tho". 

Decks laughed and said, "There Shaw what do you expect". 

I said, "Haha, very funny, there are also Toretto, by the way, could you pick up some of those Raspberry Ripple please the babies need it". 

Decks laughed and said, "Of course anything for my wife". 

I smiled and said, "Love you see you soon."

Decks spoke, " I love you, Isa, I will be home soon ok". 

I nodded and we hung up the call, I was showing just a bit, I was only in my first trimester, well part of it, I had zero interest in drama or whatever Decks were doing. I knew what he was doing. I spoke to Dom, a little and Mia called and we talked it was nice, she just named her daughter Olivia nice name.  Dom and Letty moved to a place with zero contact, waiting to live off the grid after the whole thing with Cipher. 

I love being in London felt calm and nice. I heard the car pull up and Decks got out with my request, came in put the bags down kissed me put his hands on my stomach and said "Have you been good to Mum Thomas and Freddy". 

I laughed and said, "Yes they have sorta of". 

Decks stood up and said, "Well they love you, now what does my amazing wife want for dinner?"

I said  " Shepherd's pie"

Decks smiled and said, "Well then my darling, we will have it". 

Decks got right to work, he was such a great cook, I was better than Mia, she wasn't a good cook. Decks and I had a very quiet dinner then had a bath together, and went to bed. 


at MI6

Hattie Shaw sat in her chair proudly and listened to the meeting about the new mission and it was big. Hattie drove home and thought of her brother Deckard and what he was doing now. So many times she told herself to stop thinking about him or her family, they were in crimes, and one day she might need to bring them in, and she hoped that never would ever come. 

Hattie ate alone and went to bed, hoping everything would run great. 

Little did she know or her brothers knew it would be a fast rush to save her life. 

Author note 

I had to look up the timeline of Fast and Furious, the main reason why I am not covering F9 first is because it is not after Fate of Furious, Hobbs and Shaw is and then f9 and then Fast X. 

Thomas Shaw's room 

Thomas Shaw's room 

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Freddy Shaw's room 

Freddy Shaw's room 

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