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I was loving Greece it was so peaceful no family no being told you had to do something. I was swimming in the nice blue waters and Deckard was next to me and he pulled me in and kiss me and put me on his lap and I just smiled at him and wrap my legs around him and kiss him. Deckard smiled and kiss my lips and pull me onto his lap in the water. 

Deckard look at me and said, " Umm I love having you to myself". I smiled and kissed him. We got out of the water and just landed down in other arms. Man, this was only part 1 of the honeymoon. Deckard pulls me closer and kisses me on my neck. I look at him my husband and said" Hmm Let's take this to the bed". Deckard smiled and said" Of course Mrs. Shaw." I took his last name when we got married. I didn't want Toretto anymore. I don't feel like a Toretto. 

We went and Deckard said, " Turn around my love and close your eye". I did and felt his body on mine. I turn around and kiss Deckard and his arm went around my body I moved around and pull him to the bed and push him down and smiled and I fell on top of him and kiss him passionately. We made love for the long night well we stop for dinner. 

The next day we landed in NYC and I got a text for Mia with pictures of Owen Shaw and London. I look at them and show Deckard and said" That is my brother". Deckard pull me in for a hug and kiss me and said " Don't let your brother ruin our honeymoon". I smiled and kiss the man that I love the most in the world.  

Deckard was right and I wrap my arm around his hip and smiled at him as we walk into outside. Deckard kiss my cheek and we got in the car and went to the place where we were staying at. I sat next to Deckard in the car on the way there. I said, " Babe why didn't you want to stay in Greece"? 

Deckard said, " Well I wanted a break for the beaches and I want to be in the City with you". 

I smiled and said, " Well I have never been to NYC". 

Deckard said, " Babe you lived in LA". 

I smiled and said," Yes I did, I never left and I was scared if you left you never come back at least that is what happened to Jakob". 

Deckard look at me and said Oh Isabella is why Jakob said at our wedding that he hasn't seen you". 

I nodded and said " Dom kick him out over what my dad asked Jakob and Dom thought it was something else, Jakob left and I was told never to see him again or go near him and if I did I would be kicked out for good" 

Deckard said " Dom threaten you didn't he "

I nodded. 

Deckard just took my hand and said " I promise you that I will always support you and I love you so much, you are free don't worry about your brother, he isn't your problem anymore now let's enjoy our honeymoon. 

We spend the whole week walking around and doing just us. I loved being with my husband. I know he loved being with me. We would always stand by you. 

Author Note  - Hi I am back, I am sorry that I didn't update. Thank you to everyone for understanding. I am feeling much better. Sometimes you just need a day to relax. I want to add more to Isabella's backstory and I have a hint of what happened to Jakob and what Dom did to Isabella and Jakob. 

The next Chapter is about the Phone call and the one after that is about the old me being gone. 

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𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now