Dom vs Us

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Deckard and I got straight to work on the car and I looked into his eyes. I couldn't keep this for him. He deserved to know about the baby. I said, " Decks, I need to tell you something". 

He looked at me with so much love in his eyes and he could sense something was up and said " Love what 's wrong".

I smiled and said, "Nothing is wrong, I just have good news". Little Nobody said, "Hi, Isabella I need you to help me with something". 

Deckard looks at him, mad that he interrupted me talking to him and giving him the death glare. I said, " Can it wait"? 

Little Nobody said " no".

Decks looked at me and walked over to me and said "Go on, I will be right here waiting for you to tell me". 

I followed Little Nobody got to work and headed back to Decks, All I wanted was to tell him he was going to be dad, so hopefully soon. 

I made my way back and saw him talking with Hobbs and I smiled, I always thought those two could be friends, and I wondered if they were hoping for me to make things right with Dom and Mia. 

I came closer and kissed his shoulder, he smiled and said "How is everything". 

I said, "Fine, puppy Nobody is annoying but he is a nice guy". 

Decks laughed and said, " I don't know about you but I can't wait to go home". I laughed and said, " I know, you know your mother is in town, after this is all over, you owe her a phone call". 

Deckard groaned and said "Really". 

I laughed and said" Yep"

Deckard pulled me near his chest and said " I will, I promise". 

I smiled and said, "Good, promise one thing, I want to have a break from all this craziness, I know crazy in your past, but Decks, I don't want to fight anymore, I want life and family with you". 

Decks smiled and kissed me passively and said: " I promise". 

Decks and I went into another room to have a nap, because, in all this craziness, we didn't have a chance to sleep.

We fell asleep, together for the first time in a while, while there were no prison or bars and Deckard's arm was draped around my waist and held me close to him, god I love this man, I just looked at him and kissed his forehead, I knew I had to tell him soon, but right now we had to save my stupid brother for Cipher. 

Min later, someone came into our room and said " Isabella, Deckard, Dom has to be sported". 

We got up and got dressed and got in the car and Letty and Hobbs told us where Dom was so we drove there, I looked at Decks and said " Love you".

He looked at me and said, " I love you no matter what, promise me something, whatever happens here, find my mum and wait for me". 

I looked at him and said, "Deck what is going on". 

He looked at me and said, "Nothing, I love you, Isa".

I nodded and said " I promise, but nothing is going to  happen to you"

I saw we were getting closer and spoke into my mic and said " Dom is near turning down this ally, and he should be there. 

Roman said, "How do you know this". 

I said, "You think you know him because he calls you family but I am the one who knows his moves, and what he is after so just don't what I say".

Letty said, " She's right Roman". 

Roman numbered something about me being bossy. I said, "Hey Roman, don't make me show the side that I showed Cipher or her brainless men". 

We all turned down to the ally and there was Dom, We got him and trapped him. 

We trapped Dom and I could tell he didn't want to do this, Something in his eyes showed it and I mouthed to Him, which he could see, I said " Dom please, you don't want to hurt us and you know it, this isn't you please Dom, I know you are good person, I want to make up with you, I hate that we are fighting please Dom". 

He looked at me and I knew something else was going to happen, his eyes darkened and I knew something was going to happen. And I wasn't going to like it. 

Author note - sorry for the long wait, I hope to have Love or Family done soon, at least Fate 8 done. After that go to Hobbs and Shaw, then Fast X, Then I will be taking a break to update this story till the next one comes out then I will update this book. Till then enjoy the update. As soon as I am done with this book, I will be taking a break from Fast and Furious stories since my page is half Fast and Furious and I love that I love Fast and Furious, I just want to make sure I am staying true to what I like and what I am doing. 

I also have the Shaw family book that will focus more on Isa and Deckard's children's lives, make sure you follow that. 

I know that there is a Hobbs and Reyes spin-off movie in the works and Hobbs and Shaw 2 are on hold so there is no telling of what is happening to Deckard Shaw or his family, If the Hobbs and Reyes movie is going to happen it would be cool to see Hattie Shaw, and Owen and Deckard as well. 

Also, does anyone body know and great cover designer here on Wattpad, I want to change the cover to something that looks better if so please comment below. 

I have a feeling something is going to happen to Decks and Isabella is going to stay telling the whole gang how she feels about them. 

Also who is ready for Dom and Isabella to make, I am, Mia in a different story but I will say they make up soon

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