Party Time

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The party was wild not too wild not wild enough for Isabella who was wiped out and she was still healing the wounded. Deckard looked at her and said, "It hurts doesn't it". Isabella said, "Yeah a little bit". 

Deckard said " Well we just have to get through speech"Owen came to the min and said" Hi everyone so I am Owen and I am Deckard's brother. I want to talk about my brother and my sister-in-law, so I met Isabella after my brother and I save her for a worker of someone we have no idea about, the morning after we save Isabella and met her the morning after my first thought was she was such a nice person and easy to talk to and she opens us to me and my brother, I didn't stay long but on my way back I saw Isabella and Deckard talking and believe me I know when my brother fall in love and I know right there they were made for each other, so I wish my brother and sister in law a big happy life and I can't wait to see you guys grown up together, remember to always stand by each other and love each other so Welcome Isabella to our family, we are a mess but we love each other". 

Deckard got up and went to his brother and gave him a hug and Isabella got up and went to hug her new brother-in-law. The photography took the moment and Isabella smiled Deckard took his wife's hand and lend her back to the tablet they were at. Margarita have a nice speech and would always be there for the couple if they need anything she would be there for them. Isabella and Deckard got up and hug her. 

Jakob was next and said " Isabella my little sister, I miss you and I wish we had more time to catch up, I am so proud of you and I couldn't believe my eye and ears when you told me you want me there, I am so proud of you and I can't believe you are married to a man who truly loves you and that is all I can ask, I love you sis and Welcome to my family Deckard, we are a mess too but we love each other, oh one more thing if you ever hurt my sister I will kill you". Deckard laugh knowing it was a joke and he stood up and said, " don't worry I will never hurt her, I love her too much". Isabella just smiled. 

Isabella got to her feet and walk over to her big brother and hug him and Jakob put his arms around his sister and smiled. Isabella would always be his favourite out of his siblings. Deckard come over and shook Jakob's hand and the two smiled. The photography took the moment. Deckard and Isabella walk back and they photograph the moment between everyone. A Deckard-loving look at his wife and kiss her passion and Isabella put her hand on his lap and kisses him again. 

The last speech was with Magdalene and she come over to the microphone and said: " I will keep my speech short, Isabella you have brought love to my son and I have seen you two fall in love and I welcome Isabella and Jakob to the shaw family". 

Deckard and Isabella got up and hug  Magdalene. The party last a little bit longer. Jakob comes up and hugs his sister goodbye or see you later which Isabella like better. Owen and Magdalene and Margarita also said see you later. 

Deckard walks along holding his wife's hand as they walk on the beach Deckard put his jacket on the ground and helps his wife onto the sand and said: " I can't believe it I am married to the woman I love". Isabella looks up at her husband still can't she is married to the man of her dream and she says: " I can't believe I am married to you". Their lip meet. 

Deckard and Isabella sat on the beach together and just relax in each other arms. The two went back to their room, and on their way there someone said" You get the honeymoon suit". 

Deckard led his wife to the bed and He starts kissing her on the lip. Isabella pull Deckard closer to her body and said " I love you, Deckard Shaw".

Deckard said, " I love you, Isabella Shaw". 

They two fell on the bed and their wedding clothes were off on the ground. 

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