Time to Crash the Party

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Deckard and I woke up on the plane and we landed and drove off. I had my sunglasses on put my arm around Deckard's neck and turned up the radio. I smiled and reached over and kissed his cheek. Deckard kissed her and smiled and kissed her back.

We reached the place we were staying and I knew my brother was at the hotel. I change into a yellow dress with a blue band and kick-ass heels. I came out and did my hair and makeup and Deckard said " WOW, you look amazing". I smiled and said, "I feel weird, I was never a dress-up person".

Deckard came over and said, " I love you for you". I kiss his lips. I love being married.

I smiled and said, " Time for us to crash the party".

Deckard just smiled and said " Let's go "

We walked over and drove there. I got out of the car and Deckard said" Be careful".

I smiled and said " I will"

I walked up the stairs and to the elevator and I rode up and I got ready and I walked out and graded the champagne and drank it. I walked over to the bar and just waited and I saw Dom and Letty walk out and I smirk.

Brian must have seen me and looked at Dom and they saw me and walked over to me. Dom walk over to me and got in my face and said" Isa WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?". I just look at my dear brother yet dumb. I smirked and tilted my head and I said " Dear brother I am here to stop you from hurting my husband and me". 

Dom and Brian went white and I smiled and said " I told Mia if you hurt not to hurt Owen Shaw and you did, You think everyone is bad and you are good but you aren't you love sitting in your high house". I pointed at Brain and said " He lied to your face I looked at Dom and said, " You kicked out my twin brother, you are the one who destroyed our family and our relationship, not me".

I smiled and I turned to walk away

Dom grabbed my arm turned me around and said " Isa don't do this, help me take down Shaw you will be free of him. I said " He is my husband who I love more than you and I will always stand by him, you can't make me do anything you lost the right to do that when Vince hit on me and you didn't do anything about it, go to hell Dom and I lowered my voice and said "Let me go Dom "He gets go of my wrist and said, " Enjoy the party".

Dom said, "Isa last change". I just walked away. Sick of Dom

Brian's POV

As Dom and I walk in to find the car and I look at him and as I walk over to the other side of the car said "Do you realize what this is like in hyper sport 3.4 million dollars zero to 60 in less than three seconds, there are seven of these things in the world and this guy keep it locked up in vault"

Dom said "Nothing sadder than locking a beast in a cage"

I said " Now I want to punch him in the face"

Dom said, "Okay let's get to work".

I got down and said " You got this right"

Dom said " Go"

I went under the car and started working on it and I kept thinking of Isabella and her words to Dom and how we started this war with the Shaws, I know we did but we want Letty back. I never really thought of what happened to him or his family. I felt bad.

I remember Mia telling me that they were never really close, unlike her and Dom. I know Dom was mad about Isabella and Deckard's marriage. It might Dom and Deckard were brothers-in-law. Unlike Dom and Mia, I am happy, she is happy and found someone who loved her no matter what and so did she. I am happy for her.

When I was in The FBI I heard what happened to a building in London that got blown up by someone. It said Isabella Toretto was in there and she was saved by the Shaw brothers, she changed from that woman to the one who would do anything.

I kept working till I saw it and said " I see it"

Dom's voice said Teji talk to me"

I didn't know what he and Teji were saying.

Dom went with another plan and we got in the car and said " Unlock the best for the cage and we broke the wall.

I saw Isabella and in came Deckard with a gun and Deckard took care of the men. He was good I got to say. After he was done with them Isabella walked over to him and he handed her a gun and they started firing at us.

Dom drove around trying not the shoot at us.  We found that the car was bulletproof which was amazing.

Dom drove at Shaw and Shaw went over the roof We drove near the window he shot at us hitting the back and we went flying.

Isabella's POV

I walk away for Dom and Brian. I am not someone to play with. I am done with everything trying to make me do things and leave my husband. When he comes in he bet the security guards up. I smiled and he tossed me a gun and we started shooting at the car.

Dom did some good moves and nearing to hit my husband. Ok Dom you asked for it. I took out the device and threw it at the car and Deckard just fired at it and I watched it fly.

The last time I checked cars don't fly but man it is cool to watch. I got up and fixed my dress. I hate dressing normally I wear pants.

Deckard walked up to me kissed my lips put his head against mine and said "You look very sexy babe"

I smiled and said, " So do you, let's get out of here".

Deckard took the gun out of my hands and we walked out of there and nobody stopped us, god, because it would have hurt if they tried.

Deckard drove and I put my legs on his lap I smiled as I checked the phone and smirked. I said, " Look like they got God's Eye".

Deckard smiled and said, " That device you made to download all of the information was genius".

I smiled and said " Well I do have a master's in technology and making awesome devices Babe"

Deckard smiled and reached over and kissed my lips.

We drove to the warehouse knowing Dom and Brian and Mr. Nobody would come and we will be ready.

Author note -

Dom is such a jerk to his sister, like really Dude they are married and they will always stand by each other. I want to write Dom very controlling of his family even his blood. In the movies, he is controlling and there is a deleted scene where Mia was studying to become a doctor which is something she didn't want I bet and Dom is like you have to do it anyways. wow, that is very controlling.

Anyways Isabella does have a master's in technology and making devices that only the FBI would use. Isabella has a high IQ. She is on the scale of Ramsey and Cipher. Anyway, I love writing Dom and Isabella's relationship. They don't stay enemies after F8 but for now, they are enemies. I love writing Brian's thoughts on the matter of what they have done and how it affects people's lives and families.

We are coming to the end of F7.

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