Dom finds out

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Dom's POV

I walk into a hospital and see Hobbs and my ex Elena. Elena told me what happened and told me to go inside and I notice something was going on with her. I ask her and she brushes me off. I went inside and saw Hobbs watching Hulk. I watch Elena and Hobbs talk. Hobbs smiled at her and said, " Thank you". I look at him and my ex together. I said "You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do they give you jello and a bad 70s TV show?

Hobbs give a little laugh and said "You know it's got its perks sponge bath ain't that bad."

I saw a little girl around 7 or 6 and she said " dad"

Hobbs said, "I'm sorry baby."

I just said " Dad".

I am so confused

Hobbs said, " Honey I want to introduce you to somebody, he's an old friend, gonna say hello".

The little girl walk over to me and for a second I was reminded of Isabella.

The girl said "Dominic Toretto right my dad said," he kicked your ass once".

Hobbs butt in and said, "Young lady watch your mouth".

I saw Elena not trying to laugh. Ok, this kid seriously reminds me of Isabella she was sassy and not scared to tell me shit I didn't want to hear. I wonder what happened to her and where is she and who she is with.

I look at Hobbs and my face said really.

He just shrugs.

I said, "Your dad 's heavy pain meds, I can understand his history is a little hazy".

The little girl said " I doubt it "

Hobbs said, "Honey that's enough I want you to get something to eat with Elena, while I and Toretto talk."

Elena said "Come on ladies let's get some cookies"

Hobbs said " Watch that mouth"

I saw the kid leave with Elena. I walk into the room and said " Who did this"?

Hobbs said, "You remember Owen Shaw the one we tore half of London down trying to get, well this is his big bad brother".He come after me and said his wife was there.

I looked at Hobbs and said " Wife"?

Hobbs said, " Shaw is married, here take a look".

I took the file on Deckard Shaw.

I started to read it out loud " Deckard Shaw".

Hobbs said "British Special Forces Assassin. The kind of unique asset. That no government would ever admit to employing".

I said " Black Ops boys."

Hobbs said "Worse. They created a monster. They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually, they decided he was unnecessary. The powers that be, felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him. I didn't know why anyone would marry him. I met Owen Shaw I knew he was in trouble now his brother was bad. "

I said " And they missed. "

Hobbs said " That was six years ago and Shaw's been a ghost ever since.

I said "Until now. How do I find him?"

Hobbs said, "The official answer is, you don't."

I said very seriously and said "He killed Han. Almost kill my family."

Hobbs said " He and his wife also tried to put me in a body bag, too. Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad. He's gonna wish his mother had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you is to stand down.

I said, "Now you know I can't do that".

Hobbs said "I do know you, Dom. This is why now I give you a brother-to-brother answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sum-bitch, just do me one favour."

I said, "What's that?"

Hobbs said, " Don't miss."

Then I remember something about Shaw being married to someone". I said "Who is he married to"

Hobbs handed him another file and said " Meet Isabella Toretto now Shaw, your sister and Shaw 's wife and Owen Shaw 's sister in law and you are the brother-in-law to both Shaws".

I look at the file and said " No she would never marry him, she was going to marry Vince, No I will make her spilt for him for good".

Hobbs said, " Dom Isabella never went to Vince, she never meet up with him, she went to London and you are going up against your family".

I said, " Hobbs my sister would never do that, she will choose me and Mia over him".

End of Dom's POV

Hobbs" POV

I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with Dom, he was stubborn, to say the least. I took a breath and said, " Toretto your sister is married to that man, she will always choose him not you, now just go do your job".

Dom left and I breathe in. I fell asleep. I felt safe and Elena brought my daughter back and my daughter fell asleep. The guards watch over me and made sure to check everyone's ID.

End of Dom's  POV

Little didn't Hobbs and Dom know that Isabella had been listening in and Isabella was getting mad at her brother and his new friend. 

Isabella recorded the whole conversation and saw her brother walk on the phone maybe Brian or Mia. Isabella put her leather jacket on and walk out to the black car and drove off. 

Deckard's POV

I got the recording of Dom and Hobbs talking, the facts were dead wrong. The words of Dom my wife's brother wanting to ruin the relationship between me and my wife who I wanted a life and kids made me evermore want to take him down.

 I saw my wife walk out and she open the car and kiss me with full passion. She said " I will never leave you, my brother has no right or say in our marriage. I kiss her back and we drove to where Dom and his gang would be.

We did stop at a burger place and eat and in the car, I took off my wife's shirt and she did the same to mine and we started full-on making out.

I said "Are you ready"

My wife just said, " Let's teach my family never to mess with us or our family".

We went started back to having car sex. I loved my wife so much and I would make damn sure nobody would ever take her away for me.

Author note - I am back sorry for the wait. College was very busy for me and now I am back and I will be writing more. Also, what is everyone's favourite movie to watch on the holidays? Mine is Home Alone 1 and 2 and 3. I love it and I laugh so hard. If Deckard and Isabella were going to have kids what should their names be, tell me in the comments or just DM me.

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