Cipher and Dom crash the party

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The nauseous feeling didn't go away.  My thought come up was I pregnant? I knew if I told Decks about this, he would tell me to stay out of the fight and I couldn't do that. I want to end this. 

 Decks was making a call to someone and I was listening to what Tej was saying. 

He and Ramey walk to the big laptop on the screen and watch as he types away. 

Tej and Ramey smiled as the hack. Honesty they shouldn't be doing that Cipher was a master hacker and she knew what she knew about anyone that log on. I rolled my eyes, Dom's team was so fucking cocky. I put codes on everything like my phone and my laptop because Cipher wanted them and Deck being him told me so many times to do that. 

Tej spoke " Got him, He's in London. 

Ramsey smiled at him like see. 

I said," Tej look again, remember that Cipher is master hacking, she can fake people show there are anywhere in the world". 

Everyone smiled and I said, "God's eye isn't going to work at this time". Everyone looks at me. 

Ramsey  turned back and said "Wait we've got a second match in Hong Kong" 

Tej add " And Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo".

Ramsey said "And just about every other major city on the plant". 

Mr. Nobody said, " So gods eye was where we started, just like Isabella said, the Ciphers team already created an evasion that masses their location by pinging random spots all over the globe, but it was a good thought, Roman". He made his way over to Ramsey. 

Ramsey said "So she 's made my program obsolete"

I walk in to check on Decks and he wraps one of his arms over my shoulder and brings me into his warm. And gave me a quick kiss. The class window was soundproof but a little sound did come in. 

I heard Mr. Nobody say that is interesting why because that is here. 

A bomb went off and all the glass shattered and everybody was done. 

I saw two bombs come in and made pop sound.

 The last thing that I saw was Deck running to me and then my eye closed and the world went black  

Deckard's POV

I saw my wife in the line of fire and I run as fast as I could and pushed her out of the way. A piece of debris landed on me. While it hurts, all I could think about was Isa. I look over and she was fine but unconscious. 

Dom Toretto walk in and next the woman I hated more than anything was Cipher. Everyone was in pain. 

Cipher spoke "Did you all enjoy that next-generation concussion grenade it scrambles your senses don't worry it will wear off in an hour probably, she made her way towards me and said," Hello Deckard, nice to see you and the Mrs again, look at this body's not even cold Dom".

I could see Dom look at me and I mouth him " Dom I know I hurt your family but please this woman is evil and she tried to kill your sister who I know you still love and miss". 

Cipher said "Your family is already replacing you, you chose the losing team, I guess your brother is smarter than you. 

Out of the corner of my eye and I saw Dom bend down to Isa and touch her. My anger grew and I tried to get up to save my wife for her brother who not only brought pain to my brother and her. 

Dom and Cipher made their way toward the big computer and Dom look around at all his family. All my focus was on my wife. 

Cipher started typing away and said " Smart move embedding God's eye into the mainframe, irritating to make me have to come down here, to get it"

Letty call out with so much pain in their voice and said " Dom you're gonna turn your back on family just like that, you did it with Isabella and you did the same with him". 

Cipher made her way to Dom and kiss him right in front of Letty, I saw the pain and the hurt flash around her face.

Cipher turned around and said, " Let's go and Dom and her walk off". Leaving a heartbroken Letty. 

The first person up was Hobbs and he and Little Nobody help get the piece of debris off and run to Isabella and got to a medic to check for any injured. 

I stay with my wife till Mr. Nobody called me to help them. I didn't want to leave, I kiss her face and said: " I will be back love". 

Author  Note - Sorry for not updating, school got busy. I am back. 

Also, what did Dom give Isa? 

Happy Holidays everyone!  

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now