New Friends

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I spend the rest of the day training and spent the whole day playing with the cars. It took my mind off everything for my family and what Deckard had told me. After I kiss Deckard I found myself more in love with him. Deckard was out for now he was on the phone with someone that would help us. I hope that was true.  

I just play and fix the car and I drove around the yard and practice more and more while Deckard was away. I spend time with his mother and she was very nice and told Isabella all about her kids and her ex and how the government turned their backs on them. 

The first time in her life.  I hate the government for turning on the show and it made her mad Dom for putting her and Mia in danger. I  would do anything to protect the Shaws no matter what it cost. 

I went back outside after having tea and lunch with Miss Shaw. She drove around and got better and better. 


Deckard's POV

I was on the phone with one of his contacts in Russian one of Cipher's contacts was the one that stole Bella's codes. I wouldn't stop thinking of Isabella and how she took the news. I keep thinking about her. Every part of Isabella was kind and loving and every day I want to wake up in bed with her. No matter what he would help her. He was in love with her. I drove back to see Isabella driving around. Deckard just smiled as he watch the women he was falling for. 

Isabella saw me and look at her and she smiled and said: " Do you want to know the tricks that my family passed down to me". Deckard smiled and said" I love that" I smiled and I felt my heart beat fast and fast. Mum look at me and smiled and her eyes said Sweetheart go for it. 

Isabella and I spend the whole day getting lost together. The more they do they fell in love and they were happier.

I cook an amazing dinner with wine and Isabella was next to him kissing his shoulder. Deckard turns to her and kisses her back. Everything was amazing with them. 

I told Isabella of the plans and Isabella smiled and they plan for a nice trip. Isabella thanked my mother for being so nice and for having her over. 

I turn around and saw my mother smile and walk over to me and said " Decks never let that love go, I saw it for day one Deck,  the love between you and Isabella is pure and she pulled away and with that, we went to bed. 

Isabella and I fell asleep in each other's arms. 

The next day 

Isabella walk away to the car and smiled as she did so. Mum watch Isabella walk away and she turned to me and said " Don't let her go". I smiled and said, " I won't". Magdalene said " Good boy and Magdalene yell to Isabella and said " Isabella make sure my boy treats you right". Isabella just smiled and said, " I will keep him on his toes". 

I said, " Oh good lord, not these again". 

I saw Isabella and Mum smiling.

Isabella sat next to me on the plane holding his hand and he ask for some nice wine. I look at her and said, " Isabella I know your life is much different now but I love you and I want to be your boyfriend". I blush and said, " Life is complicated that is something I know very well, I love you Deckard the first minutes  I meet you, and I would love you to be my boyfriend". Deckard leaned into my face and kiss my lips and his hand went to my face. I melted into it. 

We landed in  Russia to meet my friend and former fling. Isabella drove the car and I told her where to go. I saw the house it was bigger than mine. I park outside and got out of the car Deckard holds out his hand and we walk up the step to see Madam M. 

Madam said, " Deckard nice to see you and you must be Isabella Toretto". 

Isabella said, " Nice to meet you". 

Madam said, " It is finally nice to meet the women who are in love with Deckard". 

I smiled and Madam M wrap her arm around  Isabella's shoulder and said "Let's get you started" 

Madam M said, " Deckard I will be right with you but first  I want to interrogate your girlfriend and learn all about her, not you". I look at Isabella like be careful. 

Isabella's POV

Madam show me my gear and told me how to work it. We got off to such a great start to an awesome friendship. 

A little while later Deckard come in and saw Madam M and me laughing and smiling. Deckard said " Great they are friends, he call out to Madam M and said, "Come on Madam I need to get going". 

Madam M said, " I am coming and Isabella it was amazing getting to know you, I hope we can be friends". 

Isabella smiled and said, " It was nice knowing you and I hope so too."  

Author note - I want to add Madam M in here because she going to be in Hobbs and Shaw it makes sense to add her in. Deckard's humour is hilarious. One of the reasons I love Deckard the most out of Fast and Furious. 

I am making Madam M and Isabella friends because why not. Isabella didn't have friends back in LA other than her gang which was not that big and Letty and Mia of course. I thought Madam M is great to be bff with Isabella. 

Plus women vs women is not cool and so annoying. Women don't need to be a rivalry for a man. So here to women being awesome and no drama with these two badass women.  I will add conflict where it needs to be like Dom and Isabella.

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