Family cook out & Peace at last

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Isabella's POV

I woke up to knock at the door, I got up and open saw my mother-in-law 

I rudded my eyes and said, " Magdalene what are you doing here?"

My mother in law speak in to the apartment and said "Well Isa, I have an answer for you, I am here to check on you and secondly of all here. 

She passed me a phone and I opened it and said "Hello?"

" Hi darling, boy I am glad to hear your voice". 

I looked at my mother-in-law tears streaming down my face and said " Decks is that you"?

" Yes darling listen this is going to be over and I am coming home and then you and I are going home sounds like a plan". 

I smiled and said, "Sounds like a plan and Decks I love you". 

I love you too". He hung up and I smiled and turned to my mother-in-law she handed me some hot chocolate and breakfast and we ate and talked. I always loved my mother-in-law, she was anything but kind to me. She got up for the table and said " Isa you know you are like a daughter to me and I have a daughter, you two would get along"

I smiled and said, "You know my mother was a nice person, she died when I was 10. I am grateful that you are my mother-in-law". 

She smiled and said, "Thank you, Isa, I am very glad you are my daughter-in-law. Well I am off, see you soon, oh let me know when my son comes home". I smiled and said, "Thank you for everything Queeie have a safe flight home, and I will see you soon 

The rest of the day was filled with getting everything ready and clean. I was so tired and fell asleep and the door opened and someone said: " Isa wake up". 

I jumped at the voice and saw my husband alive and well and he put something down but I didn't see him run to him and he kissed me and hugged me and I heard a noise and I looked down and saw a baby. 

I smiled and said "Aww you're cute"

Decks said "Meet your nephew, Dom 's child and someone named Elena".

I smiled and picked up the baby and said "Aren't you smiley one". the baby made some noise and Deckard laughed and said " god I miss you, Isa". I smiled and said, " I miss you too". 

I looked into my husband's eyes and said "I miss you too, and if you ever scare me like that again I will personally kill you". 

Deckard laughed and we spent the rest of the day taking care of Mini Dom. We got in a new set of clothes and toys and I swear I caught mini Dom using Decks as a pillow and I just took a picture of it, knowing that I can show these to our kids one day and laugh about it. 

Two days passed 

"Are you sure he wants me there". 

Decks said, "Yes darling, he said to bring the baby and you and me". 

I nodded and said "Yeah umm". 

Deck bent down and said, " Isa would I ever put you in danger ever"? 

I smiled and said, "No you won't, other than the times I part myself in danger". 

Deckard put his hand on my knees gave a smile and said " Isa I would never bring you somewhere that I thought was dangerous, you also know how to fight which I am proud of you". 

I smiled and said, " ok let's go, also call your mother". 

Deckard groaned and went to call his mum, and I went off to change the baby and get ready myself. I put on a red off-shoulder top and blue jeans and boots. Deckard changed as well drove there and walked up the stairs. Deckard carried the baby and I had his bag.

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