Meeting Magdalene Shaw

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Deckard driving the car was the best thing ever for one I didn't know how to drive in London and two I get to look around. We stop at the restaurant which was nice and eat. I had salmon and asparagus and mashed potato and wine and Deckard went for red meat and wine. To say we didn't flirt won't be a truce we did flirt. Honestly,  I felt like I was on a date and I didn't care I just love spending time with him. 

We got back in the car and drove there. To say the house was small would be not true it was big but nice. There were men in black with guns and I felt scared Deckard reach over and took my hand and said: " It is ok my mum is nice".  I nodded and Deckard park the car. He got out and help me out and walk inside. 

The hallway was full of pictures of everything really and some family ones. I look at all of them and I felt someone's eye on me and I saw Deckard smiling and he walk over to me and said: "You like artwork"? I said " Growing up I didn't have money to pay art work and so my mother took me to the museum all the time. I love it spending time with her and  I have a sister too who I am close two a brother that left that I don't know where he is and another one who wants me to marry a man that tried to harass me". 

Deckard's face turned red full of anger and he said: " he sounds like an asshole to me,  I promise that I won't let anyone touch you I would punch his lights out". I smiled and Deckard walk over he smiled and took my hand and kiss it. 

We lead into each other and going to kiss each other till someone walk in and said: " Mr. Shaw your mother is walking for you and Miss Toretto". the moment was ruined and Deckard look annoyed and said: " I am coming". I follow Deckard into a room that had his mother standing there. 

The woman had short hair grey and wear a dress. Two say I like wearing a fancy dress was not true. I hate them. I prefer a simple dress and pants and my hair down. Deckard walked over to her and said " Hi mum nice to see you" The woman said " Decks are you behaving well" Deckard look annoy and said " Yes mum, we have a problem  Cipher is back and tried to take something" The woman said, " That women are horrible well why do you need my help". 

Deckard said, " Actually she needs your help".  I went to stay near Deckard and His mother looked at me then he said: " Decks you have new women again". Deckard said, "No it is not like Mum". Deckard turned to me and said " Mum meets Isabella Toretto" I come forward and said, " Nice to meet you, Miss.Shaw". The woman said, " Please call me Magdalene Nice to meet you Miss Toretto so tell me how you meet my sons and what happened". I smiled and said, " Please call me Isabella". Magdalene said " Let's sit down. 

We did just that and I told her everything. Deckard was sitting next to me and he put his arm around me.  I blush when he did that. I didn't know if he did. 

I told her what happened to say that she was impressed was very untrue. She was amazed by my skills.  Deckard want to talk to his mother and I want to give them private so I left and I ask to find the gym. I took karate as a kid and other martial art. I wasn't the best with it 

Deckard come in and said, " Wow you know a lot of moves". I turn to him and said " Yeah I took lessons as a kid"

Deckard smiled and said, "Well I know a few things do you want me to teach you"? I nodded and said " Deal but you have to let me play with your cars because I know cars." 

Deckard smiled and we start training. Little did I know that Magdalene was watching us. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now