Mike Oxmaul

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Isabella's POV

I hate being in a car with Hobbs and Owen, they look at each other with such hate and annoyance. Luckily I was near my husband and my sister-in-law was looking at me with such annoyance, lord I didn't have time for this, not for her or Mia. 

During the car ride, nobody spoke and I was glad about that. I did feel Decks's eyes on me. being pregnant, I was very tired all the time and I had to eat. As much as I couldn't wait to meet our boys, I didn't want to pregnant anymore. Decks seemed to sense I was feeling off and just kissed my cheek and got out and he held my hand. I looked at him and said, "I am tired, decks". Decks just looked at me and said "I know, babe, 

All of us walked into the airport and got in line. Decks made two more fake passwords, one for me and Owen. It worked of course it did, half of the mine skills and Decks. God my husband is so hot. Once we were through, we waited for Decks and Hattie. I greeted my husband with the biggest kiss on his lips and said "Babe you are so sexy when you follow my mind. Decks laugh and kiss me back and kiss my belly. 

I saw Hobbs and heard someone yell It's Mike! It's my cocksmall". I heard Hobbs say isn't small, I go by Mike and I and Owen had to hold in a laugh. Hattie looks pissed off, and Deckard looks proud of himself. 

We went through all the airport stuff, honestly, it was just boring. I sat next to my sexy husband and said "She is giving you the evil look". Decks groaned and said, "I know love". I said " Decks are you ok, you haven't said a word about Brixton at all.

Decks looked at me and said, " I can't do that to you, Isa, you are pregnant, and you are dealing with so much, I can't dump that onto you".

I looked at him and said, "I know but I am your wife, I want to hear it". 

Deck took a deep breath and said " Brixton and I were like brothers and for me to kill him just hurt it felt like I was killing someone I would think of to on my side, but to have that hurt, I was very injured when I kill him, I stay away for my own family because of what Eteon did to me ruin everything but without it, I wouldn't have you, I love you so much". I took his hand in mine and said, " Decks life isn't fair sometimes but what you did, you did to survive, I love that about you and I love you".

Deck kissed my lips and said, " I love you, Isabella Shaw". I kissed back and said, " I love you, Deckard Shaw". we were unaware that two people were looking at us". 

Owen's POV

I smiled watching Decks and Isa, I remember them getting married and now they were starting a family. I saw Hattie look at Isa with this look and I said " Hattie stop it". 

Hattie said, "What I am not doing anything?"

I looked at her and said, "Yes you are, you are looking at Isa in such a rude way because you want to find a reason not to like  Isa". 

Hattie took a deep breath and said " I don't dislike her, I just think she is hiding something". I said, "She isn't, she stood by me and Decks after her OWN brother and his family threw me out of the plane and I did cause a lot of pain to them,  Hattie you dislike every girlfriend he had well this one isn't going away, Isa is married into our family she is Shaw, she is carrying two shaws so Hattie if you want Deck and mine 's help stop acting like a 5-year-old, you are the one who cut us off not us, you have no idea what hell we have been thought".

Hattie said Owen, I ..". I stood up and said," Just think about it Hattie, we will always support you but I won't stand with you on this". 

I walked away and went to go get us a drink and walk back and we boarded the fight and Isa sat next to Decks, Decks got two pillows for Isa because her back was in pain, carries twins. I sat next to Isa and Hattie. I didn't want a fight between any of us, the most important thing is to save Hattie and keep Isa safe. 

I saw Isa fall alseep. Deckard had made sure she was safe and ok and nice airline people had served her food, early. I saw Hobbs get on and say Hi I am Mike to everyone and stop at us. Deck and I looked annoyed at this and then turned to Deck and said oh yeah, let's see,  where is my seat? F - one, F, two, F you, said hey to Hattie, Deckard looks so annoyed it is almost funny. Hobbs sat down and said, "You are an asshole". 

Deck said, "You are quicker than I thought". 

Hobbs said, "Yup because I have a secret weapon because people actually like me". 

Deckard look so pissed and I tried to not laugh. 

I let out a groan, this was going to be a long fight. 

Author note - I am sorry I have been gone for so long, I am fully coming back to only fast and furious stories, what do you think of me adding Owen into the story, personally I wish he was in a movie like we should have Hattie and Owen in the main movies.

 I love Isa and Decks so much.  Also for the baby shaws - top your thoughts on their names. 

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