Till the end of time

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Beep ... beep....  beep ... Beep 

All Isabella heard was someone's voice come in and said " Izzy can you hear me come back to me" Deckard took her hand in his and said, " I am here Isabella and I love you". 

My eyes opened and saw white and then Deckard wearing a suit and Owen was sitting down sleeping. I move my head and said " Decks". Deckard said " I am here, god I thought we lost you"

I smiled and said, "You can't get rid of me that easily". I sat up and stop the pain was go painful and Deckard said " Izzy be careful you are going rip your stitches" Isabella relax against the bed her whole body was hurting and Deckard saw it in her eyes. He took a breath and said, " I am sorry Isabella I got you in my mess". Isabella look at him and said, " Look at me, Decks this is not your fault, I love you, Deckard, nothing will change that, I love you and I will always stand by you no matter what". Deckard smiled and lend down and kiss her lips and Isabella kiss back. He wrap his arms around her and smiled and kissed her head. 

Owen must have worked up and said " Aww you guys are so cute together" I smiled and Deckard look annoyed. I said " Thank you, Owen, for saving my life" Owen smiled and got up and said, "You did a great job by the way and I am glad you are safe". I smile and gave him a hug and Deckard said " Owen can you get Isabella some food" He nodded and left and Deckard said, " Owen think of you as a sister tho we have one" I looked at him and said " Really you have a sister? Deckard said yep we have a younger sister named Hattie and we haven't spoken to her in a long time, I will tell you all about it later. I nodded and Owen brought back food they ate the food while they told me about Hattie.  I told them all about my brother Jakob and what happened. After all the talking I got very tired and Deckard told me to rest and kiss my head. I fell fast asleep and in the morning then was Deckard smiling and kissing me and said: " I am so happy you are ok and I love you so much". 

I smiled at him and look at him and smiled and Deckard said " What". I said, " I just love you that is all". Deckard smiled and said, " Well I love you". 

I spent half the day in the hospital and man I was happy to leave. We went back to  Deckard's house and pack our bags for a nice calm day. When I was saying goodbye to Owen telling him to be careful and not to get killed. Deckard's phone was going off and He was talking to someone. He walked back and he look annoyed and I knew someone had called him, maybe the blond woman or something but I remember that Owen told me that he didn't see anyone in the firefight with the people who come after me. 

The drive to the airport was so calm and nice and we had no problem getting on the flight. We sat in fight class. Deckard look nervous. I was wondering why he would be nervous. When we got there to Santorini Greece. We walked around and smiled and had fun lots of fun. We spend the whole afternoon with just us and no family no people coming after us. Deckard told me to dress up for dinner. I had no idea why so I look in my suitcase and saw a white dress with black heels and I put it on and when I come out Deckard smiled. He walked to me and said, "How did I get so lucky". I just smiled 

Deckard was nervous all dinner which was making me worried and then he pay and took me some nice overlooking the ocean and said " Isabella I have to tell you something I just look at him and nodded and Deckard said, " I use to one man person then you come into my life and you show me love and kindness and most importantly you made me fall in love with you, I never thought someone can love me as you do and I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I want to have a family with you, Isabella Maria Toretto will you marry me ?" 

My heart jump for enjoy and said " Yes 100% yes, I will marry you".

Deckard picks me up and we kiss. I was so happy I was going to marry the men that I loved. We had love all night and kiss each other. I knew I was meant to be with him. 

Isabella's Ring

Isabella's Ring

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Author note- YAY Deckard and Isabella are engaged and it was fast but they are in love and can't wait to be together. They will have ups and downs like every normal relationship. Keep reading next time you see Isabella and Deckard they will be married.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now