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Deckard told me where to meet him in London. He found someone who responded to Owen. He told me he is doing something very bad. I knew what he was going to do. I went to where Owen was waiting for Deckard to arrive. He pulled up in the white car and I walk over to him and said: " It is done". Deckard nodded and said," I feel bad about it but at the same time I don't". I kiss him and said " We are getting revenge, Dom had no reason to go after Owen if Letty wasn't there. Deckard just smiled and said, " Let's kick these guys' butt". Isabella kisses him again and Deckard kisses her back. 

I made my way through the guards and then just fell so easy. We took Deckard and I made it to Owen's room I walk in and said: " Oh my god my brother did this, I am sorry Owen". I lend down and kiss his forehead. 

Deckard look at me and said," Babe this isn't your fault it is your brother's". Deckard kiss my forehead. He went to the window and said " They say if you want to glimpse the future, just look behind you. I used to think that was bollocks. Now I realize... you can't outrun the past". He walked over to his brother and said " When we were kids, you'd start fights with the toughest bastards in the yard, Rest now little brother, I am going to settle you one last score." 

Deckard put his hand to his wife and I took his hand Deckard said: "Take care of my brother if anything happened to him, I will come back looking for you". 

I said " He isn't lying, take care of him or I will personally come back"

We walk out and Deckard did a whole badass thing and said " Hold this". The guard said " Grenade". 

It went off and Deckard and I got in his car and drove off Deckard look at me and kiss me and said: " Are you ready"? I look at him and said, " I am always ready, it is time for my brother to meet my brother, he is messing with the wrong family ". 

We drove off to Tokyo 

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