We fight fire with fire

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I changed into pants and a nice shirt. I miss London and I miss my life there.

I come out of the room and smiled at Deckard as he cook without a shirt. Oh my god. I walk over to him and kiss his neck and he smiled with enjoyment he turned around and kisses me and smiled and turned back to his cooking.

I breathed in his scent it was cologne the same cologne he wore on our wedding the same. The cologne was Dior Homme. I love it it was classic.

Deckard said, "You love smelling me don't you".

I smelled it and said, "Yes I love it".

Deckard turned around and reach up and pull my hair back and pull me in with a kiss and pull away and said " Ready for dinner".

I smiled and said, "Of course, I love your cooking".

This was very true. I loved his food. I knew how to cook but it doesn't mean I like doing it.

We sat there and didn't talk. I look at Deckard and he smirk. I know the plan and I was happy about it.

We continued to eat till a lot of men in Amor and my annoying brother and Brian and Mr. Nobody come in.

Brian said" I hope you're enjoying your last meal"

Deckard put cutlery down and I groaned and said " Our last meal really what about yours"?

Deckard put his hand on my telling me to be calm.

Deckard said "This is it? This is all you want a dozen men?"

Sheppard said, " I think you'll find it's more than enough."

Deckard pulled out a grenade and place it on the table.

Dom come over and said " "I'm ready to meet my maker. Are you?"

Deckard said What are you expecting, Toretto? Catch me off guard? Me and Isa standing here, waving a white flag? Have you ever heard the saying " The enemy of my enemy... is my friend"?

Dom did the worst clap back ever and said " I don't have friends. I got family."

Deckard had a better one and said " Well, I and Isabella got a lot of friends".

I smirk and took out a gun and said " Dom good try but you can't out-think us, I know you and your moves are so obvious".

The lights went out and Deckard pull me out of the fire line and I said " Decks I can handle myself".

Deckard said, " I know you can, but".

I look at him and said, " Decks I love you but don't treat you like a doll that can break".

He look down and I saw a man coming towards Deckard I reach over my husband's shoulder and fire the fire and Deckard turned around and said "Watch your back".

I stay mostly out of the way and Deckard throws another grenade at my brother and his friends or family.

I said " Shit".

Jakande turned to us and we walk out and drove somewhere safe.

I was still mad and I don't want my husband to treat me like I need to be saved. Deckard looked at me and said, "Isa I am sorry I shouldn't treat you like you are a doll, I want to keep you safe".

I smiled and turned around in my seat and said " Decks it is true I am not very good with fighting or that stuff, I am more into hacking and nerd stuff, I can learn promise me you won't baby me till later".

He smiled and took my hand in his and said " I promise I won't but I will teach you how to fight better than Dom is.

I smiled and reach over to kiss him on the lips and wisher in his ear and said " Decks keep your eye on the road".

He smirked and said, " Babe I am but I want to kiss you so bad".

I smiled and said, "You will have to wait for that".

Deckard's phone buzzed and I look at it and said " Great we are heading to LA my brother and his little gang is there".

Deckard just smiled. I smiled back at him and said "You know I hate LA right".

Author note

Sorry for the late update, I am nearing the end of my semester at school and they are so much work. I promise to update more when school ends.

For fans of Riverdale - I am working on some stories and I can't wait to have them out.

I like to put in ups and down in Isabella's marriage to Decks. They argue and then make up a real relationship.

On another note. I want to say that I support The Rock leaving Fast and Furious and the way Vin Diesel begged the Rock to come back is just childless and also notice that he use Paul Walker's name in his post, that is just wrong so many levels like give the Paul's family respect and the same to his daughter. Yeah, I know Paul and Vin were friends but that is not ok to use your friend's death to make someone come back to a franchise that they don't want to be in.

I will miss The Rock as Luke Hobbs but I support The Rock all the same plus Hobbs and Shaw 2 is still happening and he will be in it. I know this because I check the website.

Also who is here for Isabella to become more of a badass like a black widow or something like that?

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