The best news ever

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Deckard's POV

After all the time fighting. It was peaceful now. Isa and Dom started talking more. Dom and Isa knew it was going to take time for their relationship to get better but at least they were both putting in effort. Letty was a different story but they were working on it. 

We spent the whole day with Dom and Letty and little Brian. We had dinner with them as well. It was nice to hold little Brian and Isa and Dom were talking. I smiled and Letty said, " It is nice to see them getting along". I nodded and Letty said, " Do you have a sister"?

I looked at her and said " Yes".

Letty smiled and said, " How many siblings?"

I said "Two, I am the oldest, then Owen and then my sister".

She smiled. I ask "Do you have siblings"?

Letty said, " I wish I did but I don't ".

Isa and Dom came closer to us and I saw that Isa was a little pale  and said: " Thank you for having us, We have a flight tomorrow to go back to London, next time you are both in London please come to visit us."

We left and went back to the hotel and we sat down. Isa went to take off her makeup and I sat on the bed.

I thought why don't I call Hattie? I know she cut off all connections with Mum and Owen after everything happened. I know I should call but I don't know what to say to her.

I heard vomiting in the bathroom. Isa didn't get sick much so I got worried I went in and saw Isa and I ran to the bathroom and went over to my wife bent down and put a hand on her back  I said "Darkling it is ok, i am here, I am going to get you some water" I got up and got water and handed it to my wife. I picked her into my arms and walked to the couch and said " I am calling the doctor". 

Isa put her hands on mine and said " Decks calm down for a second". 

I looked at her and said, "Calm I am perfectly calm right now, my wife isn't feeling well and we need to see the doctor". 

She smirked and said, "Yeah right, Do you remember when we spoke about kids?"

I smiled and said "Yes I remember"

She smiled "Well remember that night we spent in jail and the time in the toy shop".

I nodded yet again

She said " Decks I am pregnant, you are going to...

With the word coming to my ear about my wife caring about my kid, I kiss her passionately.

I jump up and yell " I am going to be a dad"

Isa said, " You are".

I pick my wife spin her around and then put her back on her feet.

I worried and said, " Isa wait you were pregnant during the whole thing please tell me you were careful".

She put her hand on my hand and said "Yes Decks I was I didn't go into the action the day just the car chase and I was wearing a protected vest, Can we sit down please I getting dizzy".

I nodded and put a hand on her back helping Isa sit down we lay on the bed and Isa fell asleep and I was still up looking at my wife and smiled I was going to be a dad.

We fell asleep and my dreams were about my kids.

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now