We join the team not really

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Isabella's POV

We reach the base and I got out of the car and Deckard followed me. I change into black pants and a shirt and a leather jacket and my hair is up. I put my com in my ear. Deckard changed and come into the room and said "How are you feeling?" I look at him and said, " I am happy to have you back with me". Deckard walked over and said, "That isn't what I mean, you haven't said a word to me about Dom or Mia or Brain or Letty Isa what happened". 

I look at him and said " Well I don't know how to feel about Dom, I wish there wasn't a war between my brother and my husband, he got what he deserved and Mia is a whole other story, I learn for talking to my therapist  that I might have not understood how they felt, while the way they didn't was wrong so I calling Mia to work out what was going on and she got very mad at me. So yeah I am sad at least I had you, Brain and Letty and  Jakob and your mum oh by the way she wanted you to call her". 

Deckard looked at me and smiled said " I know I put you in a hard place with your family, I know that the hurt feeling will go away". 

I look at him and said, " I hope so but for now we have to work with them". 

Deckard groaned and said, " I will for you I can't believe I have to work with them, especially Hobbs". 

I look at him and rolled my eyes  and said " Well as soon as we are done we can go home and start a family."

Deckard said " Nothing would make me happy" 

We walk through the base and I walk in the room where Dom's team is. I walk through the doors before Decks, he wanted to make an entrance and Mr.Nobody smiled and said " I bet you know Isabella Shaw". Dom's team look at me and the first person to say something was  Little Nobody said " Sir she tried to kill them , why is she helping them ". 

I am sick of his boy, all he knows is what the files say. I turned around and said " Listen Puppy Nobody I stood with my husband over my family and they went after someone I cared about my brother-in-law. Plus  my family hasn't treated me like a family member since my twin kick out because of Dom so they  think they are fucking  saints for stopping Owen but did they  really know what happened to my brother in law, they put him in a coma and burns on his arms and face and they nearly killed him so I am allowed to be mad at all of them and I guess they can be mad at me as well, maybe you should stay out of  my family business" 

Puppy Nobody went silent after that and he look at the others wanting them to back him up. Nobody back him. Mr. Nobody said, " Enough you don't question her on her family drama that is her business". 

Little Nobody said " No I am not going to leave it alone sir she tried to kill them" I look at him and said "  You know Puppy Nobody, I don't give two fucks about your opinion about me or my husband. And for the record just so you know I didn't kill Han, Decks did and he feels bad about it enough and you can't excuse Dom's acting, now I am not here to share fire with you because you are being chid about this. I just want to go home and started a family with the man that loves me and not be put in your little wars, the only reason I am here is to stop or save  Dom and save the world which I am going to better for my kids. 

He sat back down and I smirk. 

I look back at Mr. Nobody and nodded and he explain everything that happened I just stood by the door and listen to what was being said. Dom 's team was shocked that Cipher was a person and Ramsey filled them in on how she was. I said, " Cipher is a big deal in the hacking world, trying to make a code that can make someone go dark, she comes after you with all her men."

I listen more, I wasn't going to talk if need be. 

As soon as Letty's voice said "What does this have to do with us?"

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