Mountain Chase

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We wait for Dom's so-called family to get Ramsey. I smirk little did they know I put a bug on the computers on the carrier so if someone let's say Dom breaks it open it will alert me. Deckard drove through the forest and we met up with them Deckard drove into Dom and smiled and I smiled back. 

Dom's face was angry and was kinda like what the fuck are you doing. I smiled and gave him a look that said told you where we are going to make a mess of things 

Dom and Deckard race down the hill and Roman crashed into our car, we toppled over. Deckard got out and then reach his hand down to help me up and we run over and got rid of the bag Deckard was holding. 

Deckard stepped his gun and I saw what was going on. Mose Jakande stood there barking orders and I watch the whole thing and what my brother was doing. Deckard spoke "Interesting" as my brother drove off a cliff. Deckard put the gun away and we walk away. 

I hold Deckard's hands as we walk. I found a lake and guess who was on the other side. My brother and his family and I tap Deckard's hand and he saw what I was seeing. 

I took out a device that would let me hear what was going on. Sounds like Ramsey sent it to a friend in the middle east. Yay, warm weather. I said," Hi Decks looks like they are going to the middle east". 

He smiled and said, " Looks like we are going to, let's crash the party "! 

I smirk and said "Let's go"

Deckard pull me in and kiss my lips and smiled and we call Mose Jakande to give us a ride. 

We sat on the plane he sent us and Deckard plan our next move well I fell asleep on his shoulder. 

Deckard's POV

As I planned our next move. My wife fell asleep on my shoulder and I didn't care I love having her there. I know I got married fast to most people but Isabella is different, she is kind and loving and there for others. I know I was still getting to know her but the love between us was never ending. I want a life after this war that I know affects her and the relationship with her family like me and my sister. I want to call Hattie and tell her everything but I didn't I want to protect her. 

I know that my amazing wife didn't have a relationship with her brother or sister she did with Jakob. They were twins after all. I pick my wife up and put her in a safe spot to sleep and I make sure she is ok and not cold. I brush the hair out of her face and smiled and kissed her on the cheek. This was going to be over and then I can have life and family. I smiled to myself and I went next to my wife and fell asleep, happy dreaming of kids. 

Author note - sorry for the wait. I got busy. I am making sure that I am getting my work done and then working on my stories. 

I love writing soft Deckard and caring Deckard which he is. I love that he wants a life with Isabella and the kids. I like to write that he has regrets a lot of what he does like killing Han and staying away for Hattie. 

When I watch f7 I honestly thought Han was dead and I was kinda shocked that Han come back in f9. I like Han he is a great character.  He isn't my favourite character and I have nothing against him. I don't like how Dom and the others act like they are above everyone else and everything else is wrong and needs to stop. 

I honestly think they don't care about other people in a way they care about themselves. That is why I like the Shaw more at least they don't act like that and they know they have done some stuff that is wrong and at least they acknowledge it and Dom and the others don't acknowledge what they do wrong. It is kinda annoying at least in my opinion. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now