Meeting Deckard and Owen

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I felt someone pick me up and put me in the car. I heard voices in and out and I fell asleep. I heard someone making coffee. Soon I felt myself waking up I woke up and saw myself in bed with someone's clothes. Someone said, "Good you are up". I saw the bladed men looking at me and I said " Yeah". He made his way to me and smiled and said " How is your head?" I look at him and said, "It's fine by the way thanks for saving me and who are you"? 

He laughed and smiled and said, " You're Welcome, My name is Deckard Shaw and the other guy is my brother Owen". 

I smiled and look down and said: " Well nice to you meet you, Deckard, my name is Isabella Toretto". 

Deckard reach out his hand and said " Nice to meet you, Isabella". I shock his hand. Deckard and I talk for the whole time. We talk about everything. I wasn't bored or wanted to leave. I felt at home.  

Deckard just smiled the whole time and he ask me if I want anything to eat. Yes, I did I was hungry. We ate some good food and have good wine. that Deckard cook. He was an amazing cook and have tea. As Deckard was cooking I changed my clothes. I found a white shirt and black pants and a leather jacket and put on sneakers. I don't know why Deckard had clothes for women but it's not my problem.  I come out and talk to Deckard while he cooks. He was very handsome and smart and hot very hot. 

Someone come in and I knew it was Owen Shaw by the way Deckard said about him. 

Owen come in and said " Hi I am Owen, Deckard 's younger brother" I smiled and said," Nice to meet you". Owen said, " Bro I have a job I am doing so see you later, nice to meet you, Isabella". Deckard said " Ok be safe bro" and I said, "Nice to meet you, Owen". 

Once Owen left the room and I heard the car door open and he drove off. I was sitting in the room with Deckard. 

I look at him, and a panic rose inside my body who was he and who was that trying to kill me? 

Deckard said, " I can see you have questions, go ahead and ask them". 

I look at him and said, " Ok, who are you' and who was that trying to kill me and steal the codes I made". 

Deckard smirked and said, " First of all my name is Deckard Shaw and the other guy was my younger brother Owen and second that was Cipher two henchmen their names are Conner Rhodes and Blake Rhodes, Cipher is cyberterrorism and I bet she sent them after you, do you know". 

I look down and said "Oh my god, I make codes that would blackout a base or better yet the world, but I have those on this and I pull out the flash drive and then I remember and said, "There was one code on my work laptop that code that can make a plane invisible that must have been what they were after". 

Deckard look at me and said " Well then we have to get it back or destroy it" 

I look at him and said, " Let's do destroy it, that way nobody has it". 

Deckard look at me and said Isa you are a smart woman, I have met many people who know what to do, I will help you, first, we go to my mum for help is there anything you want to bring with you". 

I nodded and said, " Let's go". 

I got a few things for the place I was staying at and ask Deckard if I can put them in storage he said yes I got anything I need and check out leaving everything in books and the key with the decks for someone to pick up, Deckard gave that information. 

We got in the car and drove away. 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now