We are having ....

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Isabella's POV

Being home was amazing and having days and nights to ourselves was nice. I was worried that Decks would be bored but he wasn't, he was so happy to be at home.

I was doing yoga and Decks was watching and he spoke "Are you sure that is safe for the baby "?

I looked at him and said, "Yep my mother used to do it when she was pregnant with Mia".

He looked at me and said, "Don't just push anything ".

I smiled walked over and said " Don't worry so much, I did research on what exercise I can do, plus you and I have to go appointment so let 's go, I turned to leave the room and stopped and turned around and said, " Decks I know you want to take care of me, and I love you for that but please stop with worrying, I am tough person, The baby is Toretto and shaw, it is a fighter".

Decks came over and said, "Isa I know you are strong and the baby is Shaw and Toretto and you can take care of yourself. I won't stop worrying and I will back off something but other things  I won't".

I nodded and said, " Decks you and I are on the same board, I am anxious too and I know you are too".

Deckard came over and kissed me and said "We are."

Decks drove to the doctors and we got in and set up. We were sitting in the waiting room. I held Deck's hand and smiled at him. He kisses me happily.

The nurse said, " Mrs and Mr. Shaw please come this way and follow me."

Decks helped me out of the chair and we followed the nurse to the room she turned and said " Mrs. Shaw please sit down and get ready for the jell".

I did and the different nurse came in and said "Hi Mrs. and Mr. Shaw, my name is Luna I will be your nurse tho this whole thing, Are you ready for this, also I want you to know I have been through this, I am mother and wife and if you ever want to talk during this then please feel free to ask questions".

I smiled and said, " Thank you, we are a little nervous but really happy, let's get started".

She put jelly on my growing belly. Decks smiled and took my hand

The nurse smiled and said "Mrs. and Mr. Shaw you are having ......

Author note - what is the gender of the little Shaw 

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 - 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚠Where stories live. Discover now